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Richard K Bloom
New York, and Porto Seguro, Brazil.
two decades and still going strong in advertising; also help small businesses brand themselves
Interests: film, history, animals, dance, advertising, personal branding, hbo, beatles, poetry, marx brothers, entrepreneurs, dylan, mj, fred astaire, online businesses, jobim, the present moment
Recent Activity
Richard K Bloom added a favorite at Unstuck Unlimited
Aug 4, 2010
Richard K Bloom is now following Account Deleted
Aug 3, 2010
Richard K Bloom is now following Debra Condren
Aug 2, 2010
Richard K Bloom is now following Account Deleted
Jul 24, 2010
Richard K Bloom is now following Joel
Jul 16, 2010
Richard K Bloom is now following Anna Maria
Jul 16, 2010
Richard K Bloom is now following June Rousso
Jul 16, 2010
Richard K Bloom is now following Carol Brizzi
Jul 16, 2010
Richard K Bloom is now following Bill Gluth, Creative Thinking for Business
Jul 11, 2010
You mention how companies hate to lose control of their marketing. True. Yet, the online community and fan base thrives on the spontaneous comments and engagement of their customers. It's up to the companies to get involved in the discussion, but trying to infuse the "company line" makes the dialogue stilted and self-serving, and therefore,ultimately unsuccessful.
Mazda Australia social media Zoom Zoom
Last year, I was in Melbourne, Australia delivering a Social Media Masterclass and participating in a few Tweetups. I met James Duthie and we got to talking about Automaker websites around the world and how most of them are just big TV-like advertising sites. James contacted me to say that Mazd...
I think it is important, as you mentioned, to ask yourself the question: Who needs to know about me? I would also add to that two words...And why? Looking for a job isn't what it used to be.
But the web gives you the opportunity to establish your personal brand and then "try it out", learn from any mistakes , and modify as needed. I have friends who go at this little by little, but it really takes an all out effort. The upshot is that it not only gives you a better shot at finding the right position, but also gives you a sense of empowerment.
Is Your Career Trapped in the Matrix?
I recently stumbled onto a great post from Chris Brogan, “Avoid the Many Versions of the Matrix.” He raises the question, “Job security= being employed by a stable company. Matrix or no?,” and concludes: “There’s what we think is real; there’s what we observe as real: and then there’s what we...
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