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Owl Creek Cottage
Loving life at home with my husband and three children
Interests: My husband and I live in a country home on the edge of town with our three children. We are passionate about God, each other, raising our children to know and love Him, and reaching out to others to show them His love. We are surrounded by children, pets, and chickens, and our life is always loud and generally a little crazy! Although the days sometimes crawl, the years are flying by, and I don't to miss what God has done in and through our little family. This blog is to help me remember, in the midst of it all, to be thankful for each and every day.
Recent Activity
I decided to move back to my original blog, "In the Midst of It." I'll be deleting this blog in a week or so, but I moved all the posts from here back to there, so it looks like there are 150 posts written there today. Yikes! I just wanted... Continue reading
Posted Oct 25, 2011 at Owl Creek Cottage
We had a full, full week and weekend! There was too much going on to put into one post, so here are a few highlights from the week. The boys are studying astronomy this year for science, and this week we learned about Venus. We made a volcano of butter... Continue reading
Posted Oct 24, 2011 at Owl Creek Cottage
I am a worrier. I know it's not God's best for me to worry, and that it's futile because it's nearly always about things I can't control, but I'm still a chronic worrier. I worry about propane leaks, plumbing leaks, water leaks (Yes, we've had all of those this fall!).... Continue reading
Posted Oct 19, 2011 at Owl Creek Cottage
This weekend I got to take Addie on three little dates! Sure, they were technically all spent running errands, but she loves to go with me, and the boys love staying home with Daddy. On Friday, Chris' day off, Addie and I ran about a million errands that are hard... Continue reading
Posted Oct 17, 2011 at Owl Creek Cottage
Lately I've felt like my shoulders are up in my ears. I feel cramped, overwhelmed, and like the Legos are closing in on me! Everywhere I turn, there is a mess. Of epic proportions, usually. There are papers, books, shoes, socks--I am not kidding that I find 10-20 socks in... Continue reading
Posted Oct 15, 2011 at Owl Creek Cottage
Yesterday we had a fall break from our homeschool co-op. I hadn't really thought of anything fun or special to do, and we were just going about our normal morning routine. Suddenly, with absolutely no cause, I burst into tears. The kids all froze and stared at me, knowing it's... Continue reading
Posted Oct 14, 2011 at Owl Creek Cottage
I keep thinking I will find time to sit here and write in this space, but somehow night comes before it happens, and the only thing I want to do is go to sleep! It has been a busy fall, filled with lots of good things, but I don't think... Continue reading
Posted Oct 11, 2011 at Owl Creek Cottage
Enjoying Guineas An Article on Guineas My name is Caiden, and I own chickens and guineas. Guineas, when still keets, look just like chicks. After a while they get an ugly thing on their heads, and their tails point straight down. If you love your guineas as babies, they will... Continue reading
Posted Sep 28, 2011 at Owl Creek Cottage
(Let's pretend it's still Labor Day. I wrote this and forgot to post it!) Labor Day dalliances: ~quilting on the deck under gentle sunlight before breakfast ~croquet and Bocce ball on the back lawn--discovering that Addie has a serious arm! ~an easy hour of lessons, followed by an impromptu four-person... Continue reading
Posted Sep 8, 2011 at Owl Creek Cottage
It was with delight I wrote down today's date in my journal: August 31st is one of my favorite days because it's the last day of August. Here in Texas August is never fun, but this year we've set record temps nearly every single day. It won't actually be any... Continue reading
Posted Aug 31, 2011 at Owl Creek Cottage
We finished our first week back in school, and it was a good one! I was overwhelmed at the thought of adding another student so close to having added one just last year, but it turned out much easier to have all three doing their lessons. Addie was very happy... Continue reading
Posted Aug 27, 2011 at Owl Creek Cottage
I bought these frames several months ago with the idea of putting my children's silhousettes in them. Finally this week I realized it was now or never. After discussing options with my uber-creative sister, I landed on the easiest and most fitting one: Fabric! I traced each child's outline on... Continue reading
Posted Aug 20, 2011 at Owl Creek Cottage
After a long and carefree summer, we are back to school. I borrowed the idea of a treasure hunt from my friend Erin and hid clues throughout the house and yard, eventually leading up to the Happy Room, where a table full of fun supplies and books were displayed. After... Continue reading
Posted Aug 19, 2011 at Owl Creek Cottage
If I were to write one of those "This summer I . . ." reports like I had to write in third grade, I'd definitely include this: My mother gave me a hand-pieced quilt top last summer. It was made by my great-grandmother and great-great grandmother nearly 100 years ago!... Continue reading
Posted Aug 18, 2011 at Owl Creek Cottage
Today I finally imported the photos from our vacation. We start back to school on Monday, and I'm trying to get everything done before my hours are not my own again. (Actually, they're almost never my own, but homeschooling definitely claims more of them than summer break does!) We had... Continue reading
Posted Aug 17, 2011 at Owl Creek Cottage
Very quietly, over the course of the long winter and first sweet days of spring, Grayson turned into a reader. With absolutely no fanfare he blossomed from that painful word-by-word (and sometimes syllable-by-syllable) stage into fluency with voices and chapters and reading just for fun. When asked how I taught... Continue reading
Posted May 27, 2011 at Owl Creek Cottage
Propped up in bed, snuggled by two warm little boy bodies. Grayson is sick today, so we are home from church and haven't moved very far from where we woke up! I am surrounded by my Bible, journal, and all the stuff I seem to accumulate for my quiet time.... Continue reading
Posted May 15, 2011 at Owl Creek Cottage
A recent picture, minus my husband, taken after a conference at our church. The girl who offered to take the photo tried to get a shot without bunny ears or weird smiles, but I told her, "This is what we look like and who we are. There will be years... Continue reading
Posted May 9, 2011 at Owl Creek Cottage
We have guests coming in tonight for the rest of the week/weekend, so the kids are helping me prepare the guest rooms. After a flurry of activity, hauling sheets and towels to the washer, running the vacuum, emptying the trash cans, I head upstairs to finish my quiet time. Addie... Continue reading
Posted May 3, 2011 at Owl Creek Cottage
I'm slowly waking up from a long winter's nap. An unintended break, but when I don't feel like writing, I take it as a sign to back away and take a breath. We've been relishing spring, even to the point of taking off school for a couple months to enjoy... Continue reading
Posted Apr 29, 2011 at Owl Creek Cottage
These first couple weeks of the year have been so nice, and so calm! I love putting away the Christmas decorations and enjoying a simpler, less cluttered space. It seems to cast a tone of simplicity over the month of January after all the scurrying and warmth of December. We've... Continue reading
Posted Jan 13, 2011 at Owl Creek Cottage
I saw this boy when I was 18, newly in college, and I noticed him first for his stride--everywhere he walked, he walked with purpose--head forward, moving fast, on a mission. Then I noticed he was better dressed than any of us at that basketball game, and that he was... Continue reading
Posted Jan 8, 2011 at Owl Creek Cottage
I saw this boy when I was 18, newly in college, and I noticed him first for his stride--everywhere he walked, he walked with purpose--head forward, moving fast, on a mission. Then I noticed he was better dressed than any of us at that basketball game, and that he was... Continue reading
Posted Jan 8, 2011 at Owl Creek Cottage
If I were to describe the month of January, I'd say it's the color green. Green is the color of renewal, new beginnings, fresh starts. I find myself decorating and even wearing green more once January begins; even though spring is still far off, it seems like it begins, at... Continue reading
Posted Jan 3, 2011 at Owl Creek Cottage
Today, in honor of it being The Last Day of the Year (My favorite day!), I'm planning next year's projects. My husband gave me a Kindle for Christmas, and of course it needs a cover. I found a tutorial that looks good, although I don't think I'll do the strip... Continue reading
Posted Dec 31, 2010 at Owl Creek Cottage