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Mark Davis
Dallas-Ft Worth TX
Talk show host, AM 660 The Answer KSKY Dallas-Ft Worth; Dallas Morning News columnist
Recent Activity
As if a new show on a newly rebranded station is not exciting enough, I’m pleased to reveal that our time together will involve a little more than 7-10 a.m. locally on the new 660 AM The Answer (KSKY) in Dallas-Ft. Worth. On Fridays starting next week, I will begin... Continue reading
For several weeks now, the question has swirled around me: Where will you go? What will you do? Where will the story line that led me out of WBAP lead next? I have not said a word, partially because there were a number of options to pursue, and then once... Continue reading
Here’s the bottom line as we hit the finish line for this season: Where does the Joshua vote go? If his fans were a pop-loving crowd of teenage girls, they go straight to Jessica. If they were a deeper, more eclectic bunch, Phillip could score some of them. But let’s... Continue reading
Going in, here’s the dynamic as I see it. The final needs to be Joshua and Phillip. Not because Jessica is a lesser talent-- she may be one of the finest technical singers in the show’s history. But the guys have something going for them that she does not-- they... Continue reading
Divisive issues can be challenging enough when all sides fire away from their respective corners. But when an issue is largely miscast and ill-defined, things get absurdly messy. On the issue of gay marriage, I’m going to define what the issue is, and what it is not, and then settle... Continue reading
PREVIOUSLY: So Skylar’s fans did NOT revive her and she’s gone. This week the question is, can Hollie stay good enough to keep herself alive? PHILLIP kicks off the weird “California” premise (songs by people from California or about California or something, whatever) with CCR”S “Have You Ever Seen the... Continue reading
Ethan's first studio visit, September 2003 The days since Friday have been filled with the kind wishes of listeners who absorbed as I did the news that WBAP’s new owners were going “in a different direction.” I have sought to soothe the disillusioned reactions with the promise that I will... Continue reading
Romney's rise brings attention to Mormonism and a battle over the language Mark Davis Published: 08 May 2012 11:08 PM Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints can be excused if they wince upon hearing from non-Mormons how nice they are. That faint praise is often followed... Continue reading
I guarantee that my exit from the world of Cumulus will not spark some episode of Disgruntled Ex-Employee Syndrome, in which I obsess about how these people could ever live without me. I trust they will do fine. I know I will, and as I say often, more on that... Continue reading
I guarantee that my exit from the world of Cumulus will not spark some episode of Disgruntled Ex-Employee Syndrome, in which I obsess about how these people could ever live without me. I trust they will do fine. I know I will, and as I say often, more on that... Continue reading
One of the strangest things about the five weeks since my last show on WBAP was the complete vacuum of information from new owners Cumulus about my exact status. My contract was over, so I was not technically employed. But was the metaphoric door closed, or propped open by the... Continue reading
The hot read of the day is the just released documents from the bin Laden compound. It contains plenty of fascinating strategy, but most importantly, it should remind the weak-willed that while we seem ready to hang up the war effort, our enemies have not tired in the least. But... Continue reading
PREVIOUSLY: I nailed Elise’s exit, but her partners in the Bottom 3 were a surprise. I had Jessica and Joshua, and it was Skylar and Hollie. Going in, Hollie is in clear danger if she can be endangered after a great job like last week. Uh-oh, and she gets the... Continue reading
Mark Davis: The stunning insolence of Obama’s bin Laden ad 0 0 Mark Davis “That’s one thing George Bush said that was right,” smiles Bill Clinton at the start of the most controversial campaign commercial of the year. “The president is the decider-in-chief.” The ad is designed to garner maximum... Continue reading
1. So President Obama jets off to Afghanistan, precisely why? To snow the troops, and us, into thinking he has an affinity for them? Please. Of course he has the basic human decency to wish them well-- up to a point. But this President, jumping through so many hoops to... Continue reading
Well, here he is. Seven weeks and ten pounds of Golden Retriever greatness. Ethan has named him Jake, which we all agree is a nice solid dawg name. Is anything going on in the world? Because all I've done for three days is watch him eat and drink and poop... Continue reading
PREVIOUSLY: We have a whole week missed from my NYC trip, so let’s just get current in a hurry. Jessica does very little for me beyond impress me with the technical strength of her voice, but saving her was exactly the right thing to do. So as the Top 7... Continue reading
I have a sense of humor. I like Jimmy Fallon. I think the Slow Jam segments are some of his funniest stuff. There is also the possibility that President Obama's involvement in that feature could be a stroke of genius in terms of relatability, likability, that "I want a President... Continue reading
Unwillingness to stop government loans for college students threatens economy Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images Mark Davis In a rare moment of seeming bipartisanship,President Barack Obama and likely opponent Mitt Romney have found agreement this week on extending artificially low interest rates for millions of government college loans. Obama wants this because... Continue reading
Safely back in Texas, let me dwell for a moment on some memories of the last few days-- images of a great trip to New York capped with a return to Texas for Ethan’s 9th birthday Sunday. You have to know how cool-- beyond cool-- it was to fly up... Continue reading
Mark Davis: A frustrating — and rare — Senate candidate debate Mark Davis Read previous columns by Mark Davis Debates are good. Voters learn a lot. Candidates learn even more. If debates are good, a lot of debates are even better. And if one hour is good, two is even... Continue reading
A few weeks ago in Westlake, Texas, I had the pleasure of meeting Glenn Beck at a Santorum event. He is a familiar and welcome fixture in D/FW now, and it was a pleasure to get to know him personally. It's always nice when people you respect professionally are also... Continue reading
It’s interesting how things work out sometimes. The recurring question I get involves when I will return to a regularly scheduled radio show, and the answer depends largely on where that occurs. Please take me literally when I say no door is closed and anything is possible. That answer may... Continue reading
As another week of my absence from the air comes to an end, I thought I'd answer some of the questions that are arising from tweets and texts and emails and the like. When this little drama arose last week, I envisioned saying virtually nothing about it. These can be... Continue reading
PREVIOUSLY: DEANDRE had been a tough nut to crack at the show’s beginning. Was he a talent to be reckoned with or a one-trick pony not long for this world? Turned out to be B. SKYLAR will try to fend off the Curse of First with Kellie Pickler’s “Didn’t You... Continue reading