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Recent Activity is now following Vintage Soul
Jan 11, 2011
gorgeous! those roses! so beautiful..that bed..that linen! ah be still my heart :) love your posts...they just make you feel good looking at them :) bye for now jessie
p.s. I really don't know what that link wouldn't let me sign in with my own blog account name...weird! anyways...if you want to pop over to my blog it's at the address in above comment, as typed. bye for now jessie :)
Hi there...LOVE your cushions..I am particularly fond of all things shabby, particularly fond of fabric flowers...and those doors! ..and chandelier..and..and!! Just found your blog on French Farmhouse..thought I'd check you out. Your shop looks gorgeous!!Happy to be following you :) ciao... jessie, nelson, nz
Oh I WANT A BLOOM AND BEE SWANKY SHOP!!! What gorgeous things some of what you took home..the rosette, the oldfashioned cards etc...and the mannequin with the glove skirt!! I think I'd get lost in that store...and maybe lose a few dollars!! Looks sooo cool...been making cuffs today....;) Wonder what colours Lisa likes...(ooh did I say that out loud?!) haha...ciao for now...j
Toggle Commented Aug 11, 2010 on Bloom & Bee Swanky at Dollie's Daughter is now following The Typepad Team
May 29, 2010