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LV Commuter
Recent Activity
Not exactly a Point A to Point B form of transportation, but none-the-less one I recommend for getting around the desert landscape. Las Vegas can be hot and one can definitely struggle for things to do outside of sculling beers and losing money sooo, enter mountain biking. I get your... Continue reading
Posted Aug 30, 2010 at LV Commuter
LV Commuter is now following hollywood housewife
Jul 13, 2010
Cowboy boots have to be just about the most iconic example of footwear, ever. They are also extremely comfortable for pedestrian transportation and serve purposes practical for life on the range or floating around the dance floor. I can say from experience however, they are under no circumstances built for... Continue reading
Posted Jul 13, 2010 at LV Commuter
Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge. 90 miles north of Las Vegas... lies this! A beautiful contrast to the hot paved roads of the Strip and surrounding city. We thought maybe we'd camp there when Mum suggested it as an option for our Fourth of July picnic celebration, but I couldn't get... Continue reading
Posted Jul 5, 2010 at LV Commuter
February 1995, three months before my sixteenth birthday, I got a trip to the VW dealership in Fairfax, Virginia, where my dad bought me my first car. The showroom floor displayed a metallic green Cabrio with grey leather seats, manual transmission & 6-disc CD changer. The car had 43 miles... Continue reading
Posted Jun 14, 2010 at LV Commuter
That's the answer I give when people make faces & ask, "Why do you take the bus?" I could drive; I have a car (which is frankly more economical)! Or, I could sit and enjoy my book. I can look out the window, people watch, help with route info or... Continue reading
Posted May 31, 2010 at LV Commuter
LV Commuter is now following The Typepad Team
May 31, 2010