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Daniel Quinlivan
Recent Activity
The Spektrum AR8000 RX is a long range RC aircraft receiver with eight channels and a “satellite” module that acts as a redundant receiver. At first, I thought the satellite was some kind of RF signal booster or redundant antenna, but it is, in fact, a full redundant receiver. The... Continue reading
Posted Feb 1, 2015 at darknrgy's blog
I’ve spoken up in the past in support of GMOs. Full disclosure: My interest is in Genetic Engineering as a technology, being quite marvelous and useful. What Monsanto, Cargill, et al. do in their business practices is a separate discussion that I don’t intend to address here. Everyone is welcome... Continue reading
Posted Feb 28, 2014 at darknrgy's blog
I found myself in disagreement with many of my peers about Prop 37 and I wanted to give a more thorough background on why I opposed it. There are straightforward and compelling arguments that ask: If I don't care about the label why don't I just ignore it? Who cares,... Continue reading
Posted Feb 28, 2014 at darknrgy's blog
Someone once told me you can tell if someone is an engineer by which direction they put their fan in their window. I'm not sure there's wisdom in this because there are a lot of factors that can effect the amount of air moved. If the window is high in... Continue reading
Posted Jul 10, 2011 at darknrgy's blog
@aswincool: 200 oz-in, 150 RPM, 5A stall, 12v There are much more updates to this project on my blog home page:
Toggle Commented Jan 31, 2011 on 6WD Robot - Chassis Complete! at darknrgy's blog
I spent a bunch of time working on software in the last few weeks. I ended up rewriting the computer->AVR protocol to be much more lightweight; it can send arbitrary length packets of bytes which can then be interpreted as different size numbers - 8 bit ints, floats, whatever. I... Continue reading
Posted Jan 31, 2011 at darknrgy's blog
The 6WD Robot chassis is complete and I couldn't be happier about the results. But first, some lessons learned. Don't permanently weld acrylic on components you know you will have to adjust you stupid stupid idiot. There were a few problems with my original design. I opted to build frame... Continue reading
Posted Jan 1, 2011 at darknrgy's blog
I've been planning a 6WD robot. Two cordless drill motors transmit power through #25 pitch chain to each side individually, giving it a tank track drive system. The base material is acrylic with various parts coming from mcmaster carr and other online stores. This is an older version I built... Continue reading
Posted Jul 6, 2010 at darknrgy's blog
The USB TTL Cable was delivered on a week day, so we burned some midnight oil to get things up and running. With the cable in place, we had zero difficulty connecting to the robot. Aside from a few direction reversals, everything worked perfectly! Here is our robot actually doing... Continue reading
Posted Jun 6, 2010 at darknrgy's blog
With the mechatronics in place, we proceeded to build the extruder and attempted to communicate with the machine. Extruder Assembly is not as well documented here. The top component is the heating and extruding elements. Plastic filament is fed in from the left into the white plastic feeder. There is... Continue reading
Posted Jun 6, 2010 at darknrgy's blog
We've laid out most of the parts here. We ended up using a second desk just for tools and each had our own little work space. Worked great for parallel building. Most of the X/Y stage parts are foreground. Tiny neodymium magnets about 5mm cubed make up the platform latch.... Continue reading
Posted Jun 6, 2010 at darknrgy's blog
Cupcake CNC partially assembled A buddy Alan and I decided to build a cool robot. Alan ponied up for the Cupcake CNC Basic Kit by MakerBot and I tooled up and provided a workspace. Special thanks to my girlfriend Jeannie for enduring many days of melting plastic, solder fumes, and... Continue reading
Posted Jun 6, 2010 at darknrgy's blog
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Jun 6, 2010