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United Kingdom, living in South Korea
Interests: aromatherapy, herbal remedies, gardening, drawing, sculpture, natural cosmetics and personal products
Recent Activity
Mulled wine at Christmas time
Had a lovely Christmas eve in Seoul and a cosy Christmas day at home in Dangjin with some friends. We made pies and mulled wine which we has loads of left over so I've put them into bottles to drink later. Nick had an awesome gift from Cina, an awful... Continue reading
Posted Dec 26, 2011 at Je Suis Me
I had a lovely day today. Nothing much was special about it but I was in a good mood that sent a feeling if fulfillment over everything I did. We don't have long left at the school and we're excited to travel. I'm sure I'll miss the kids but it... Continue reading
Posted Dec 13, 2011 at Je Suis Me
Just keep climbing - Seoul, December 2011
Don't be fooled by the date on this photo. The 'film' on my Hipstamatic app puts the date 30 years earlier than the photo is actually taken. Faux vintage, don't you know! It was a lovely weekend in Seoul, with a climbing film festival in Saturday with lots of exciting... Continue reading
Posted Dec 11, 2011 at Je Suis Me
Cocktails for the skin
"Let's say you have a good cream, so you add a little vitamin A. Then you add vitamin B, then you add C and D and E. Now suppose you want to add a little selenium and a little copper, and suppose you want to add an antioxidant. Now we... Continue reading
Posted Jul 19, 2011 at made-by-natty
Make Your Own...body butter
Two of my friends and ! decided to make our first homemade skin care product. I bought some very nice, natural body butter from, it made my skin beautiful and smooth, and the ingredients were minimal and natural. The thing is, as much as I loved the body butter,... Continue reading
Posted Jul 10, 2011 at Je Suis Me
Korea is blooming, and despite a lot of dastardly rain, we've had our yearly burst of blossoms. Beautiful. Continue reading
Posted May 8, 2011 at made-by-natty
Buddha in Korea
We visited a Buddhist site called Seonggoksa nr Gongju this weekend. It was amazing and very peaceful compared to most temples in South Korea, where the Koreans are their own best tourists. I will post a video later which features hundreds of wind chimes and was very moving in the... Continue reading
Posted Apr 10, 2011 at made-by-natty
Spring is for Jumping
We had a wonderful weekend of the weather warming up. Here are a few pictures. We went to a beach town called Malippo on the West Coast of Korea. Continue reading
Posted Apr 3, 2011 at made-by-natty
Saatchi Online
I have updated my Saatchi online, after I was told it would be shut down if it wasn't updated! I'd totally forgot it was there! It was good to look through some of my old work. Continue reading
Posted Apr 3, 2011 at made-by-natty
The Last Unicorn
I've been contemplatively listening to the soundtrack of my favorite childhood movie, The Last Unicorn. What sprung to my mind is how bittersweet I felt even as a 5 year old watching this movie. The tale of a magical creature who finds herself alone, all but extinct, the last of... Continue reading
Posted Mar 1, 2011 at made-by-natty
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Posted Feb 7, 2011 at made-by-natty
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Posted Feb 6, 2011 at made-by-natty
natty is now following Garth Johnson
Nov 20, 2010
I love this. I saw this on the news a few weeks ago, I wish I was back in the UK so I could see this's just such a shame that British health and safety has prevented this exhibition from being experienced as the artist intended, although it adds another level to the piece. It's just incredible the scale of it, and it really reflects the size and people power of the country it hails from.
Seeds of Discontent
I had amazing visits to China the past couple of summers. The town where I stayed and worked, Jingdezhen, is an integral part of Ai WeiWei's new art installation in the Turbine Hall of the Tate Modern. For those of you not in the know about this most extreme of craft projects, ...
"F**k the planet, we've got massive planes!"
Not my exact personal feelings! Just a few words from my boyfriend (he's a lovely man I assure you!). But here are some pictures of the "Air Power Day" we attended with our colleague Dina and her family on Saturday in Osan. Whatever your feelings on fighter jets, it was... Continue reading
Posted Oct 12, 2010 at made-by-natty
A Little Chat with Deedee Cheriel.
Deedee Cheriel's much anticipated show, ABRACADABRA opens tomorrow night at Merry Karnowsky Gallery in LA. Deedee took a minute out of her busy week to answer a few questions I had for her about her show and inspiration behind it. - meighan via this artist is amazing! Thanks to... Continue reading
Reblogged Oct 8, 2010 at made-by-natty
This month's field trip? A trip to a field...
Day job = teaching at an English Hogwan for Kindergarten and Elementary school kids. It's a great school, and every month we take our Kindie kids on a Field Trip. Last month we visited a pottery workshop, and it was wonderful. In the past we've visited a warship, a supermarket... Continue reading
Posted Oct 8, 2010 at made-by-natty
It's an absolutely amazing idea, and if I weren't in South Korea, I might partake! Making Halloween costumes is a great feeling, a few years ago when I was about 21 I made a papier mache pig on wheels as my accessory when I was dressed as a farmer, and it went down beautifully, but it's great to think of more than just one night of feeling proud of your own creativity...anyway, my pig was burned on a bonfire at the end of the night as some sort of drunken silly idea. What a waste eh? The point is, what a great idea and what a wonderful way to share wealth with one another. Do you think it's possible to find places where we can do this with everyday clothes?
Green Your Halloween: Swap Costumes
On Oct. 31, we hope you'll be out roaming the parties, the pumpkin patches, and the haunted houses, all the while munching on (or handing out) plenty o’candy. It can all leave a frightful mess — but it doesn’t have to. This week’s tips will help you ensure that Nov. 1 isn’t a scarier day for t...
natty is now following The Sierra Club
Oct 4, 2010
natty is now following meighan
Oct 4, 2010
I just voted for you, it is such a pleasure reading your blog, I've only been blogging on typepad for a week and you're one of the first blogs I've started following! You have a very beautiful life.
I love linen clothing with a splashing of lace...crossed fingers!x
this weeks giveaway comes from our lovely sponsor snoozer loser. based out of nyc, snoozer loser is a beautiful collection of whimsical clothing made from linens and lace designed by sonja tay. i cannot wait to get back to my normal size so i can wear some of these amazingly beautiful clothes! ...
First we must crawl...
So, it isn't perfect, my technique isn't hitting the spot just yet, but I kind of like the imperfection of this finished article. It has been hand coloured with acrylic paint. I enjoyed the long and hard process of carving out all the leaves, and now I can use the... Continue reading
Posted Jul 18, 2010 at made-by-natty
this is beautiful...x
katie daisy
created by: katie daisy | buy it
We all want to be better human beings...we all take joy in those moments when we are, just briefly, at peace with the world we inhabit. When we say no to what consumerism tells us we want and say yes to just being satisfied with what we have. Our legs to walk, our hands to make, our eyes to see, and the possessions we are already inundated with. But then, there are those other moments, a new dress made in China, a fast car, or like you mentioned, just getting out of the humidity into a cool air con room, when it's all about now, all about how it makes us feel right now. Not what will come of it tomorrow.
"we are earth's precious bounty
so rich
to burn a hole in it's pocket"
I strive to choose the first type of moments more frequently than the latter.
Taking responsibility for preventing further oil spills
The New York Daily News asked me to write an OpEd about our individual responsibility for the oil spill. Unfortunately, they titled and subtitled the piece: "We are a nation of oiloholics: Instead of ranting at oil companies, pols, let's look in the mirror." I wish they had said "As well as r...
일여일, 사랑해 (Sunday, I love you)
Oh what a wonderful day Sunday is! The air is warm here and for once in this very rainy season, the sun is shining in South Korea! Hoorah! As the title of my post suggests, I've been studying Korean today, as I try to do almost everyday. Tomorrow morning I... Continue reading
Posted Jul 11, 2010 at made-by-natty
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