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oregon city,or
Interests: Outdoors,Helping Veterans,Positive Psychology, Social Psychology,Friends and Family.
Recent Activity
Zakary A Gansert� - Iraq War Heroes, Fallen Heroes Memorial, Afghanistan War Heroes
NEW PORT RICHEY � In April, Dianne and Greg Clouse clipped a story out of the St. Petersburg Times and sent it to their son, Zakary Gansert, a 20-year-old soldier stationed at Fort Carson, Colo. They were worried and had been for months, ever since he got home in August... Continue reading
Reblogged Oct 6, 2010 at My Walk
John Ulstrom's March for PTSD | From Texas to the Nation's Capital: Raising PTSD Awareness
Day 17: A Trip to the Doctor in Hope, Arkansas Hey everyone… I made it to Prescott, AR today… But before I left Hope, AR I stopped by the emergency room to have them properly bandage up my blistered foot… It was hurting abit so I thought I’d have a... Continue reading
Reblogged Oct 3, 2010 at My Walk
How Social Media is Helping Veterans Connect
How Social Media is Helping Veterans Connect 294Share 2diggsdigg Share 294 2diggsdigg email share email share via I do see some improvement of relating to social pages but is it good or bad? because of no monitoring of these sites and the advice it offers. Continue reading
Reblogged Aug 18, 2010 at My Walk
Facebook | Photos from Vets Helping Vets
Photos from Vets Helping Vets Photo 1 of 1015 Back to Group · See All Photos Previous Next Click on people's faces in the photo to tag them. 20th Anniversary of the Gulf War Vets Helping Vets salutes those who risked their lives during the 1st Gulf War ~ via... Continue reading
Reblogged Aug 16, 2010 at My Walk
Mother releases image of soldier to raise awareness of forgotten war wounded | Mail Online
via This is a shame and you can phyically see the wounds of a soldier of the price of war. Sometimes people don't reflect on battle wounds when there not seen but when they present themselves we are to not ignore the price of what some soldiers have paid... Continue reading
Reblogged Aug 15, 2010 at My Walk
Settling In!!
This was my first formation int Korea and I am starting to settle in. Continue reading
Posted Aug 10, 2010 at My Walk
I am putting this post out because i came across a...
I am putting this post out because i came across a travesty on what this country is doing, It is sending soldiers to war and then not knowing the rules of engagement, they are paying for it know. There is a group of 10 men in Fort Leavenworth that are... Continue reading
Posted Aug 7, 2010 at My Walk
Reality Set In!!
If the enemy is to be coerced, you must put him in a situation that is even more unpleasant than the sacrifice you call on him to make. The hardships of the situation must not be merely transient - at least not in appearance. Otherwise, the enemy would not give in, but would wait for things to improve."
- Carl Von Clausewitz
Continue reading
Posted Aug 2, 2010 at My Walk
SoldierGirl64 is now following John T. Unger
Jul 30, 2010
Large dose of Reality
During this time in my life I had came out of a divorce and a child that I could not take with me to Korea, this was a eye opening experience for me because I had never been out of The US and I was a nieve person and this was the first time in my life that ieen tru poverty. Continue reading
Posted Jul 30, 2010 at My Walk
President Obama signed legislation last month that...
President Obama signed legislation last month that significantly expands health services available to veterans, saying "there's always more we can do and more that we must do" for those fighting America's wars and those who help them when they return. Do you think it is to late or is that... Continue reading
Posted Jul 29, 2010 at My Walk
SoldierGirl64 is now following
Jul 28, 2010
The Realistic Terms of Combat
In a combat zone we look for regular angles in an irregular environment; the child holding a cell phone is, according to the law of probability, a death threat. At home these kind of distorted thinking patterns can become debilitating as everything has regular angles, therefore a ‘threat or trigger... Continue reading
Posted Jul 27, 2010 at My Walk
SoldierGirl64 is now following Cblake3107
Jul 27, 2010
Normative mid-life concerns among Desert Storm/Desert Shield veterans with post-traumatic stress disorders
A soldier lives,
A soldier dies.
A soldier laughs,
A soldier cries.
A soldier protects,
A soldier fights.
A soldier is human,
A soldier has emotions.
It's not easy doing a soldier's job,
Hours upon hours in endless days.
Hurting their bodies in so many ways.
Soldiers protect everything we hold dear,
Soldiers fight so people will have less fear.
Soldiers do these things for many reasons.
Some because it's for their life,
Others because it's their love,
Yet more just because they must.
But all in all it's to help the people,
To protect lives in the long run.
It's SAD…To see soldiers in war.
To see them come home and be looked down upon,
Merely because of what they had to do,
What they were sent to do!
To survive and return to the place they believe in.
A place that hates them for what they did.
But always they serve!
Living lives so many don't deserve!
~~Jason Locke
Active 4th Infantry Division Continue reading
Posted Jul 27, 2010 at My Walk
SoldierGirl64 is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 27, 2010
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