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Southern California
Son Jarocho, Vegan Food, Yarnbombing, Organic Sugar, Alice Coltrane, Thrift Stores, Trees, Dance Hall, Homeschooling,, Babies, Jersey Knit Fabric, Tamales, Fotos, Cupcakes, Vintage, Handmade
Recent Activity
My boys and I were at the park a few weeks back, and we were watching the people fishing in the lake. My boys, being the friendly boys they are, join a family as if we were neighbors running into each other along the way. A family of 5, twin... Continue reading
Posted Apr 10, 2012 at My KumkuLove
My cooking inspiration can come and go. Like any other art, the inspiration to create and cook something takes any bit as much effort to create a painting, a quilt, or pair of pants. Anyone can make the same thing for dinner over and over and over again, being bored... Continue reading
Posted Mar 22, 2012 at My KumkuLove
I love donuts. The way they are kind of crispy and soft and chewy and sweet all at the same time. I drool thinking about a big apple fritter just waiting to be devoured and washed down with some chocolate milk. Well, if I've taken you back to days of... Continue reading
Posted Feb 20, 2012 at My KumkuLove
We hike regularly. We find spots in the middle of suburbia and explore; pretending the outside world doesn't exist and we are explorers in our own forest, desert, sea, or bamboo garden. Being connected to Mother Earth (pachamama), it's important to make my boys aware of her miracles. The trees,... Continue reading
Posted Feb 9, 2012 at My KumkuLove
You see, around these parts I'm known as Vegancitas. I make delicious vegan food, but I especially enjoy baking. Vegan baking became a passion of mine when my oldest son, Paolo was born with eczema, food allergies and sensitivities galore, and so I wanted him to enjoy food the way... Continue reading
Posted Jan 27, 2012 at My KumkuLove
I received a beautiful bouquet of daisies, small sunflowers, and other flowers from my husband for our anniversary. I wanted to preserve them in some kind of way. I love preserving pieces of nature, for my own to enjoy in different ways. I figured pressing them would begin some kind... Continue reading
Posted Feb 4, 2011 at My KumkuLove
This was probably one of my favorite birthdays. With that being said, here are a few of my favorite moments of the day (DISCLAIMER: probably too many fotos!) Train hauling. I love the items he finds worthy of Thomas to haul around. Absolutely. Irresistible. (p.s. I miss this long hair.)... Continue reading
Posted Jan 24, 2011 at My KumkuLove
vegancita is now following Account Deleted
Jan 19, 2011
My birthday is coming up, and my Nana took me to downtown L.A. for some much need supplies. I'm out of good yarn, out of good fabric, out of inspiration. Downtown Los Angeles is the perfect place to power up on all three. I finally picked up some beautiful natural... Continue reading
Posted Jan 19, 2011 at My KumkuLove
Not that it's cold this week, but it was cold, and I was sick, so I needed something to do...So, more hats were made. Joaquin got another hat, he really likes them; and I like making them for him. Paolo got a Sun Ra cap. I think he is going... Continue reading
Posted Jan 14, 2011 at My KumkuLove
vegancita is now following Rachel Denbow
Jan 13, 2011
Potstickers are little irresistible dumplings that are fried on one side, and steamed on the other. If you have a perfect one, it's fried to a golden brown on either side, with the sides nice and steamy, filled with meat or veggies. Served with a dipping sauce, usually, it's absolutely... Continue reading
Posted Jan 10, 2011 at My KumkuLove
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Jan 10, 2011
What are you doing this week? Are you making? Creating? Cooking? Continue reading
Posted Jan 10, 2011 at My KumkuLove
vegancita is now following REUBEN
Jan 5, 2011
vegancita is now following Drpyme Jose Manuel
Jan 5, 2011
vegancita is now following Brenttelmore
Jan 5, 2011
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Jan 5, 2011
vegancita is now following Button, Button, Who!
Jan 5, 2011
vegancita has shared their blog My KumkuLove
Jan 5, 2011
I've been practicing with the camera. I used my husband as a model this day...The light was just right and we were alone, so we could take our time. I really enjoy shooting photos. My handsome husband:) Paolo LOVES feathers. Anytime he finds one, he cherishes it and enjoys the... Continue reading
Posted Nov 5, 2010 at My KumkuLove
It's been a busy time of year. We have been creating, building, performing, creating, building, performing. We've been sharing moments in time with wonderful people, and wanting it to keep going, but we are TIRED. Last night kicked off a busy season. Dia de los Muertos has become a very... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2010 at My KumkuLove
I had a little party this weekend. We made Sugar Skulls for Dia de los Muertos. I was at first intimidated completely by making the sugar mix, but it was a success! All the mujeres enjoyed themselves, and got time to sit down, and create together. I've been making plush... Continue reading
Posted Oct 20, 2010 at My KumkuLove
Milpa performed at a festival celebrating Indigenous Peoples Day, and OkiraMyth and I were fortunate enough to be part of such a powerful group of individuals making beautiful music. It was pretty magical. The season has brought forth wonderful friends and music, and I'm hoping it stays this way for... Continue reading
Posted Oct 15, 2010 at My KumkuLove