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I bought these trousers too, on your recommendation & they are indeed the steal of the century... But I can't rock them like you!! Love the simplicity of this outfit. I can imagine how good it feels to wear! x
I could have bucked the trend and blogged about Willow Smith a couple of months ago but, to be honest, it has taken me a couple of months to accept that Jada Pinkett & Will Smith's songstress daughter is only nine. NINE! During my period of acceptance the little lady has turned 10 and my disbelief has turned to absolute respect because, 9 or 29, this girl is awesome. Yes her taste in haircuts sometimes copycat Rihanna & her outfits are so out there that you wonder how her mother let her out the house in them. But you can't... Continue reading
Posted Jan 3, 2011 at Maid'n Britain
My friends Hayley & Sebastian recently acquired a gorgeous border terrier puppy, who they named Mirabelle (after the fruit). Between the horror stories about pulling everything from Hayley's new chiffon skirt to a lightbulb (!) from the curious pup's chops (and just about everything inbetween!), week by week, little Mirabelle has been striding into the offices of Permaculture Magazine with some chic new outfit on her back; earning herself a blog post dedicated to her style. This little beret and jacket combination was an early favourite but alas Mirabelle has now burst its seams - which is just as well... Continue reading
Posted Dec 31, 2010 at Maid'n Britain
Well well, where does the time go in the run up to Christmas? Before I proceed I believe I owe you an explanation regarding my neglagence and in doing so perhaps a little insight into my humble little life. In the style of Wolfwhistle I will adopt bullet points. So! Over the last few weeks I have been: - preparing a huge Christmas package for the little girl I sponsor in Swaziland. - staying up until 3am trying to get my Christmas cards finished (& failing miserably! Apologies friends.) - learning to knit! (Thanks Rosie!) - eating roasted chestnuts and... Continue reading
Posted Dec 24, 2010 at Maid'n Britain
I am LOVING the bullet points! Gives such a kooky tone. I hope you had an amazing time in Paris. PS - S/S 2011 is officially the season of FRUIT! MAID'N BRITAIN
J'adore! Loving the velvet cape too. It is so you! Maybe if you ask Santa baby....
As I'm sure you already know, yesterday was World AIDS Day. The one day a year dedicated to the memory of the 28 million people who have died as a result of the catastrophic AIDS epidemic and the 14.1 million children who have been left orphaned. This is a cause very close to my heart. As a long-term fan of Alicia Keys, I became interested in her charity Keep A Child Alive in my mid-teens. But it was not until a tutorial in college, when I learnt that more people had died from AIDS than in all the defining wars... Continue reading
Posted Dec 2, 2010 at Maid'n Britain
If you follow me on Twitter you may know that I have a new love in my life. They are handsome, as colourful as me and most importantly a big softy who wants to keep me warm all through the long winter nights. We met in a charity shop in Hammersmith (Where else?!) and it was love at first sight. Especially when I saw that it was only £5! My new love is a beautiful, dark rose, 100% wool, fair isle jumper (Why, what were you thinking?) And I couldn't adore it more. You know you've got it bad when... Continue reading
Posted Nov 17, 2010 at Maid'n Britain
I am a long-term fan of Miu Miu. I like fashion companies that aren't afraid to have fun - as is exemplified by my top 3 brands: Zandra Rhodes, Stella McCartney & Versace (when under Gianni.) I was immediately drawn to the bright colours and timeless prints of this collection, showcased in The Sunday Times: STYLE but it was only on second glance that I realised some of these pieces passed through the office during my placement at Vogue. I had wondered what those fluffy pom pom things were for. They are attached to patent leather straps with buckles so... Continue reading
Posted Nov 10, 2010 at Maid'n Britain
The asos clearance bin just doesn't seem to be going away. One grievance of this is that my beautiful dungarees' humiliation continues but another is that the constant reductions make naughty treats all the more tempting. I don't have any money. Let's just get out of the way now. But if I did, these are the booties (and pair of shoes) my pennies would be dancing out of my purse for. These KG by Kurt Geiger desert boots aren't a new style (obviously - they're in the sale!) but they're a classic one. Suede feels so lux as Winter draws... Continue reading
Posted Nov 10, 2010 at Maid'n Britain
I like Emma Watson. I may have been filthy jealous of her when she was cast as Hermione and my 12-year-old self was overlooked* however she's a good egg and a great role model for young & old girls alike. *I didn't actually audition F.Y.I although a couple of boys from my drama group were scouted to try out for Harry. I like that she approached People Tree to become a young ambassador for fair-trade fashion. I like that she has shown fashion wisdom far beyond her years. And most of all, I like that she is unapologetically intellectual. In... Continue reading
Posted Nov 8, 2010 at Maid'n Britain
It's funny because, although I've never seen you in a dress like this, when I saw these looks on facebook I never doubted that you had picked it because it is so effortlessly styled in line with your taste - how's that as proof of success for you! I seriously love every look & can see you wearing them tomorrow so it's hard to choose a favourite. The Girl's Night Out look is just such fun, the Grandma outfit is super-cute but the First Date look is so very you. Perfect for a relaxed Sunday afternoon first date in a cosy pub in Clapham or somewhere. X
Nice blushed cheeks lady! PS - Please can I come to your cool cult cinema party? x x x MAID'N BRITAIN
Halloween is my favourite time of year. Christmas is all well and good but I am never so excitable as around this vibrant season. There are photographs of me in my student digs working late into the night to lovingly prepare my (*ahem* Delia's) legendary pumpkin soup. Photos of me overseeing a party of pumpkin carvers and strictly ensuring that they seperate the flesh from the seeds, so that we may make toasted pumpkin seeds. One year I even insisted on coming back to uni early after an operation, just so I could throw my housemates the perfect Halloween party.... Continue reading
Posted Oct 26, 2010 at Maid'n Britain
I don't need to profess my love of asos again but I will profess my love of these images! In theory they provide a perfect Autumn look, although today I am wearing many more layers than these girls!! I too am totally craving leather right now to spice up my cosy granny jumpers. I'm after leather trousers but I'd totally accept shorts or a skirt - anything with a bit of texture!
I don't think I will ever understand why people shop on the high street. I mean yes, I get it if you are looking for something really particular but for the most part, why would you pay £40 for a top that everybody else is going to have, that will probably be reduced (or fall apart!) in months to come, that was made who knows where by who knows who, when you could go thrifting and get something good quality and truly unique for a few squid AND walk away with the smug glow of knowing that you've just reduced... Continue reading
Posted Oct 25, 2010 at Maid'n Britain
I've just realised that I never announced the winner of The Vogue Challenge. I was hoping for a few more votes to come through to declare a definitive lead but we seem to be tied so there are 2 winners! So, the top 2 outfits of The Vogue Challenge, as voted for by YOU are - Day 4/5 & Day 9! Thank you to everybody who voted. And, whilst I am saying hello, I have to repost this beautiful little video, aptly named 'A Love Story', which I just watched on Wolfwhistle. It has been created to celebrate the launch... Continue reading
Posted Oct 14, 2010 at Maid'n Britain
Aah! I think I need to sigh a little now too! Makes me miss my boyfriend! And also think differently about 50s styling. LOVE IT! MAID'N BRITAIN
I love ALL the looks! They're mouthwatering! Santa, pretty please, can I have all of the above for Christmas this year? MAID'N BRITAIN
More moons ago than it feels, I logged onto asos and was seduced by a lovely pair of floral dungarees on the opening page. Determined that they would be a bestseller, I snapped them up straight away… Fast-forward 7 months and they are still in the sale, with their £40 price tag reduced to a heart-wrenching £10! If ever my six-year old cousin interrupts my uncle he asks her, ‘Patience is a what?’ ‘Virtue,’ she replies. If only I had her wisdom! Still, my love for these dungarees runs deep and the reason is this: Having been brought up wearing... Continue reading
Posted Oct 13, 2010 at Maid'n Britain
Hey guys, I'm posting from the typepad app on my phone for the first time today, so I'm not sure what it is going to look like yet! Apologies early-viewers if it's not up to scratch - I will tidy it up from my computer later. ................................................................... I had a job interview yesterday & was pretty sure I had perfected an outfit which was equal measures of professional & 'me' ... That is, until I noticed I was getting a lot of funny looks in Waterloo station. I caught sight of my reflection in WHSmith's window & realised - to... Continue reading
Posted Oct 12, 2010 at Maid'n Britain
In my last year at university I had to create my own fashion magazine. In theory, I wanted something modern but nostalgic, chic but down to earth. A fashion magazine that you could include funny animal pictures in. The reality proved much harder to execute and the final product naturally took a different course (which you can see here.) However, now I think I may have actually found THAT magazine. That magazine I have been waiting for, when every other magazine left me feeling only 90% full. Oh Comely is intelligent but light-hearted. Quintessential but innovative. Beautiful but simple. Oh... Continue reading
Posted Oct 8, 2010 at Maid'n Britain
You may have noticed from my byline that I am a self-confessed hopeless romantic. One of my many activities as a hopeless romantic is trying to convince my boyfriend that it is 'cool' to wear matching outfits - a la Kelly Osbourne & Luke Worrall's matching dye jobs. He is not convinced. However, having met lots of glamorous couples at a recent wedding, he has come around to the idea of 'complimentary dressing' for our next formal event. Nothing had been mentioned of our agreement for months... until recently I realised that our outfits were somehow naturally coming into sync... Continue reading
Posted Oct 2, 2010 at Maid'n Britain
Hello? Hello? Are you still there? To be honest I would forgive you if you had hung up & gone to sleep by now as I know I have been incredibly quiet for far too long. My final week at Vogue was really busy & since I finished I've been up & down between London & the South coast trying to get back on top of everything. Anyway, now it's time to get back on top of Maid'n Britain & I have so many posts saved up for you so expect me to be back with a vengeance! First things... Continue reading
Posted Oct 1, 2010 at Maid'n Britain
I SO wish I could watch this from the UK. Knowing you, I am confident that it will be hilarious!!! Can I watch it online? So glad to hear that you're up to such exciting & talented things! Not that I'm surprised!! Best of luck! MAID'N BRITAIN
Toggle Commented Sep 22, 2010 on Stalker & Awe at The BroadCast