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Unemployed bum seeking to entertain herself.
Interests: Books, sleep, clothes, craft, stalking people online/reading blogs
Recent Activity
I have a new blog!
I am moving my blog to blogger. Click to visit my new blog: Continue reading
Posted Apr 3, 2011 at Starsinherbelly
If someone spends two days of their life cleaning a room, dealing with mess YOU couldn't be bothered to sort out and scrubbing catfood off the floor, a thank you is probably in order. Just sayin' Continue reading
Posted Apr 2, 2011 at Starsinherbelly
Frances is now following Account Deleted
Apr 1, 2011
This is what happens when you organise your books by colour. I like it. Continue reading
Posted Mar 28, 2011 at Starsinherbelly
Tories are SCUM
Tories are SCUM Continue reading
Posted Mar 26, 2011 at Starsinherbelly
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Reblogged Mar 26, 2011 at Starsinherbelly
Reading is not better than Glastonbury! Crazy girl! What would Paul say about the 10 men thing? shall I ask?
Here is the long overdue second teenage diary...
Here is the long overdue second teenage diary installment! The denim book: The denim book starts on 17th October 2000, just 4 days after my baby brother was born. OCTOBER I continue my stalkerish tendencies and plan a murder. The first few pages are just lists and mentalness. They sum up...
I think the plan was to have sex with 10 men by the time I was 18. Slightly depressing that I've not done any of the things on that list!
I wasn't in Oliver in the end! He was though and I cut out a cast picture of him from a school newletter! I think it was him... it was hard to tell from a black and white printed on green paper!
x x
Here is the long overdue second teenage diary...
Here is the long overdue second teenage diary installment! The denim book: The denim book starts on 17th October 2000, just 4 days after my baby brother was born. OCTOBER I continue my stalkerish tendencies and plan a murder. The first few pages are just lists and mentalness. They sum up...
Here is the long overdue second teenage diary...
Here is the long overdue second teenage diary installment! The denim book: The denim book starts on 17th October 2000, just 4 days after my baby brother was born. OCTOBER I continue my stalkerish tendencies and plan a murder. The first few pages are just lists and mentalness. They sum... Continue reading
Posted Mar 25, 2011 at Starsinherbelly
Remember my post about Mormon housewife blogs a...
Remember my post about Mormon housewife blogs a few weeks back? I have a new blog Love: Dear Baby. Yes, it is a blog written by a mother/expectant mother. Yes, I am a little crazy. Like the Mormon housewife blogs, reading blogs about young, creative interesting people with seriously cute... Continue reading
Posted Mar 14, 2011 at Starsinherbelly
Although I'm not really one for inspirational quotes, this is good to remember when everything seems to be a struggle... not so good when you want to start something new... Continue reading
Posted Mar 13, 2011 at Starsinherbelly
I love fonts
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Posted Mar 13, 2011 at Starsinherbelly
Eve Ensler is incredible
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Posted Mar 9, 2011 at Starsinherbelly
Frances added a favorite at A Beautiful Mess
Mar 8, 2011
*what must HE have thought
This week I've been reading... the International Women's Day edition
Today is the 100th International Women's Day so naturally this weeks articles are pretty strongly themed. Firstly, is this post from Left Foot Forward (always good when someone points out the stupidity of the Daily Mail): The Daily Mail appears to have used the finding that 60 per cent of...
I know! That is the very first thing I thought. What must have though being on a programme called Gilmore GIRLS where a woman tells him that she is pregnant. Maybe he just enjoyed the thought that she might die?
What an Evil shit. (not sure why I capitalised Evil)
This week I've been reading... the International Women's Day edition
Today is the 100th International Women's Day so naturally this weeks articles are pretty strongly themed. Firstly, is this post from Left Foot Forward (always good when someone points out the stupidity of the Daily Mail): The Daily Mail appears to have used the finding that 60 per cent of...
This week I've been reading... the International Women's Day edition
Today is the 100th International Women's Day so naturally this weeks articles are pretty strongly themed. Firstly, is this post from Left Foot Forward (always good when someone points out the stupidity of the Daily Mail): The Daily Mail appears to have used the finding that 60 per cent of... Continue reading
Posted Mar 8, 2011 at Starsinherbelly
Feminist Coming Out Day
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Reblogged Mar 8, 2011 at Starsinherbelly
A little selection of some of the things I've been...
A little selection of some of the things I've been reading this week. This article by Owen Jones, "Social mobility is a dead end" (from the Guardian) Instead of putting social mobility at the heart of politics, we should emphasise the social worth of working-class jobs and support struggles to... Continue reading
Posted Mar 1, 2011 at Starsinherbelly
The Promise
Watch The Promise. Now. I won't give anything away by doing a review, but I will say it is the only time I've nearly cried at the death of an animal. Continue reading
Posted Feb 27, 2011 at Starsinherbelly
It's only 2 weeks late! I have stolen this idea...
It's only 2 weeks late! I have stolen this idea from Elsie (A Beautiful Mess) because its great. I don't ever really want to make new years resolutions, they always feel like they supposed to be broken. This list is like resolutions for myself- things I want ot achieve and... Continue reading
Posted Feb 27, 2011 at Starsinherbelly
The best song ever
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Posted Feb 26, 2011 at Starsinherbelly
The red and black book
When I was 11 I looked like this: It was the year 2000 and my best friend in the whole world moved to America, my mother had the cheek to produce another child! And I was in love. I was desperately and unrequitedly in love with X *. And sadly... Continue reading
Posted Feb 15, 2011 at Starsinherbelly
My birthday cake
Chocolate with cream cheese icing. Continue reading
Posted Feb 15, 2011 at Starsinherbelly
Continue reading
Posted Feb 7, 2011 at Starsinherbelly
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