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Looks emblematic
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Looks symbolical
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The thin red line...
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It's the A-merican/French Look!
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FYI: I turn 71 on 21 M@Y 2013.
Hornsea Freeport
Ah, the visi-m@gic@l iPhone!
Hornsea Freeport
Show the enclosed emphemeral concert card & the postcards, too.
Bill sent me a lovely birthday card! And cute stamps!
billcostley added a favorite at Cake Cake Cake
Mar 5, 2013
The obsidian maize-grinder is from a native-American reservation Oklahoma.
Bill sent me a lovely birthday card! And cute stamps!
What would you like for your 53rd b'd@y?
My Birthday-day!
I will be 53 this Thursday 28th - how weird that sounds. Hmm. Perhaps that is why I look a little pensive...!
Ann, 53 isn't one of the BIG #s (50 was, 60 is; 70 is - btw, I'm now 70.)
My Birthday-day!
I will be 53 this Thursday 28th - how weird that sounds. Hmm. Perhaps that is why I look a little pensive...!
B@l@nce well!
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Like Boston MA in Feb.
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Just like in New England.
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Gulls like on Massachusetts Bay..
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Is this a metallic 'sparkler' liKe those lit on the USA 4th of July?
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All these frosties are fascinating!
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Magnificent! Was this taken with a night-filter lens?
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What fruit is this?
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Like New England's coast.
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Looks like a painting!
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A ceremonial serving-spoon- for what?
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What's on the other side?
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How windy was it?
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