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Wilson P. Dizard III
Washington, D.C.
Award-winning investigative journalist focused on technology, policy and economics.
Interests: Journalism, history, family life, dogs, movies, charity work, local politics, sewing gardening, cooking, English Romantic poets, coal industry, intelligence technology, exercise, Presbyterian Church, DC statehood, amateur "ham" radio licensee KB3MSZ, economics, art history
Recent Activity
I've been invited to a Facebook group called The Master Debaters. . Well, this actually has a public health benefit. A few years ago, various AIDS awareness people sponsored marches promoting onanism as a response to excess need for release, as a substitute for risky sex. Maybe that's what these people are promoting. Admirable, if so.
Thanks for this interesting list! Naturally, my eye stopped at this one: Suburbs try to hold onto young adults as exodus to cities appears to grow: How refreshingly normal of those suburban people to embrace young people, and not in a figurative sense, I hope. Of course, those of us here in the urban core who are "of a certain age," or even embarassingly far past it, try to hold on to those young adults by whatever subterfuges, stratagems, brazen lies, titanium alloy stainless steel cables secured to concrete kingposts buried under several meters of boulders & cement, but, alas, those methods have been unavailing, more frequently than not. If you find any surefire methods, please advise. More TK. Dinnertime.
When I read this list, I remembered an article I read yesterday in a referred journal explaining a study that verified the hypothesis that writing about troubling experiences is a way of getting over them. So, because I'm now using a different computer and don't have access to that web page history, I'll think about that memory until I can bring it into sharper focus and find the article again. I think you'd enjoy it. Personaly, there are lots of kinds of experiences I don't want to remember. Some of the worst ones took decades to stop hurting. So, there's the tension between cathartic discussion and wallowing in self-pity depression. More TK when I've solved that problem, once and for all, for all humanity, now and into the indefinite future. (Why set modest goals? Can't be bothered with them, not enough time left.) Good Luck and Best Regards, Wilson PS: I hope you are well. All of us here on Jenifer St. are well. Son Will is living in Brookly and my brother Mark, a K-12 teacher, recently moved in to this house. Of course, we're still on Jenifer St about three blocks from Wisconsin & Western. l
Toggle Commented Jul 9, 2014 on The state of things today at The Flattened Woman
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Jul 8, 2014