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*Still Bill Dukes voice* "You know it, don't you?"....."You know you done fucked up."
T.I. Gets Advice From A Security Guard: "Don't Drop The Soap...Again"
For Caption Diss, the good ol' folks at SOHH are back at it giving y'all, the loyal doggies, a chance to capture the final word(s). The "Best We've Ever Read" headline gets try on that Cap Diss crown for seven days. Who run it?
*Bill dukes voice* "You know you done fucked up, don't you?"
T.I. Gets Advice From A Security Guard: "Don't Drop The Soap...Again"
For Caption Diss, the good ol' folks at SOHH are back at it giving y'all, the loyal doggies, a chance to capture the final word(s). The "Best We've Ever Read" headline gets try on that Cap Diss crown for seven days. Who run it? is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 19, 2010
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