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Missy Krulik.
Small Town Indiana
I'm just a creative girl who loves her life, God, husband, children, and family
Recent Activity
Only a Pebble
I'm sitting here overwhelmed. This time it's a good overwhelmed. I'm overwhelmed with love by friends, family, and complete strangers. Adoption is so many things. It's ugly trauma but beautiful, hard but heart touching, confusing but a gift, frustrating but humbling. I could go on and on. Today it is... Continue reading
Posted May 8, 2015 at Our Adoption On Washington
Not Yet, But Watch This.
Sometimes God answers your prayers quickly and sometimes he says "Not yet, but watch this." In May 2014, we received our referral from the Burkina Faso Social action for Wendinda. In June 2014, I inquired if there was anyway to get Winny early interventions. We were willing to hire someone... Continue reading
Posted Feb 18, 2015 at Our Adoption On Washington
This time last year we thought for sure we would have 2 more feet join us in our yearly cutting of the Christmas tree "stump" photo. One more filled stocking. One more starry eyed child to wake up on Christmas morning. But that was not God's plan. His plan is... Continue reading
Posted Dec 11, 2014 at Our Adoption On Washington
3 years ago today....
Three years ago today, Kevin and I sat in a room with a desk and a table in Ochakiv, Ukraine. We sat on one side of the table, the Director sat at her desk and our much loved facilitator sat across from us. We waited. We listened for the sound... Continue reading
Posted Jun 8, 2014 at Our Adoption On Washington
It's a girl! ...An amazing, precious girl named Wendinda
On June 2nd, we received news that our family was matched with an amazing little girl named Wendinda. But this was not the first time I had heard her name. In November 2013, I had read a blog post called "For God" that was written by the director of an... Continue reading
Posted Jun 6, 2014 at Our Adoption On Washington
As the Fear Creep In
"I think what you guys are doing is great." "Wow, I could never do that." "You are so brave." I could go on and on with the questions and comments that we receive when we tell people about the journey that God has laid before us. But let me be... Continue reading
Posted Mar 4, 2014 at Our Adoption On Washington
The Sounds of the Adoption Process.
Do you hear it? My fingers tapping. The tick tocking of the clock. That's called the sound of waiting. That is currently where we are at in our adoption process of our Burkinabe princess or "Mia" as we call her. Will Mia be her name? Only God knows, but until... Continue reading
Posted Feb 17, 2014 at Our Adoption On Washington
Delightful Travels down the Road of Life
Time keeps ticking.... Progress has been made.... Where do I start? Danil, my dear sweet Danil. Oh how our road travels to the most delightful places. Our detours are getting few and far between. These days, more days than not, Danil has found his cozy place. He's kind, helpful, and... Continue reading
Posted Feb 17, 2014 at Our Adoption On Washington
A New Path
Our new journey as a family of five has taken us down a new path. A path that was hard to see, and sometimes hard for us to make the choice collectively to walk down. But with much prayer and patience, we have chosen to link hands and journey down... Continue reading
Posted Nov 1, 2013 at Our Adoption On Washington
Almost 2 years down, Forever to go.
We are fast approaching the 2 year anniversary of when Danil became a part of our family. I know in my last blog I mentioned that I was trying to put my feet down. We the darn things kept flipping back up! Everything has been going well. We have a... Continue reading
Posted Jun 25, 2013 at Our Adoption On Washington
Laundry Room Makeover
It took a few years to decide what we were going to do with the Laundry Room floor. Trust me you don't want to rush these things. At least, that's what I tell myself to make me feel better. When we moved into this old house 10 years ago, this... Continue reading
Posted Jun 25, 2013 at Old House on Washington
Christmas at the Equator
It's a much anticipated tradition. The day we create our Gingerbread houses. This year our son, Grant, created his version of Christmas at the Equator. It's a magical place with sandy beaches, a backyard pool, candy stick palm trees and snow. Sounds like a perfect place to spend Christmas. Continue reading
Posted Dec 5, 2012 at Old House on Washington
Tis' The Season
Merry Christmas .from our Old House on Washington to yours Continue reading
Posted Nov 29, 2012 at Old House on Washington
Just Put your Feet Down and Stand!
Where has the time gone? I'm quite ashamed that it has taken me this long to update you on Danil. Sometimes I feel like that person who has found themselves in a body of water and is frantically trying to keep their head above water...then they realize the water isn't... Continue reading
Posted Nov 29, 2012 at Our Adoption On Washington
Learning to Love & Finding Strength
There is so much to write, I don't know where to begin. The last time I wrote how everything seemed to be falling in to place. The boys were starting to connect and things were going very well. The first week of April was Spring Break. We took off for... Continue reading
Posted May 8, 2012 at Our Adoption On Washington
8 Months Home!
Grant and I always joke that my favorite number is 8. Why? My usual answer is "Because it looks like 2 donuts stacked on top of each other, and what could be better then that!" My new answer "Because that is when Danil started to relax and became joyful in... Continue reading
Posted Mar 8, 2012 at Our Adoption On Washington
7 Months Home
What is better then telling you how Danil is doing? Showing you of course! I think he was trying to earn a "Be nice to your brother" reward sticker, what do you think? Danil is almost back to my "December Danil." A few rough edges but getting better. Today, Danil... Continue reading
Posted Feb 9, 2012 at Our Adoption On Washington
Connecting the Dots
When Danil and I arrived at the Airport on July 8, 2011, Grant was waiting to give Danil a gift. A bear that Kevin, Abbey and Grant had made for him. The day Grant was born, Abbey and Kevin made a trip to the local Build-a-bear Workshop. They brought back... Continue reading
Posted Jan 25, 2012 at Our Adoption On Washington
Catching my Breath
We've had quite a month here at the Krulik house. Danil was so excited to experience his first Christmas with our family. It was so much fun to talk about Jesus' Birthday and all the things that we do to celebrate it. On Christmas Eve, we went to church. The... Continue reading
Posted Jan 23, 2012 at Our Adoption On Washington
5 Months Home
Wow, 5 months! Danil has come so far. Remember that little boy I blogged about this time 5 months ago? The boy who screamed at me in Russian. The boy who said he didn't love me over and over. The boy who was un-trusting and scared. The boy who wanted... Continue reading
Posted Dec 12, 2011 at Our Adoption On Washington
O' Christmas Tree
Each year our family suits up for the winter weather to select the perfect tree for our living room. This year we have one more family member in our pictures. He was so excited to join in our tradition, until the tree selection began. This is the tree that Danil... Continue reading
Posted Dec 3, 2011 at Our Adoption On Washington
Do you know the Muffin Man?
I was on a mission. I wanted to make a semi-healthy muffin. My current herbal cleanse doesn't allow me to eat dairy and white flour or sugar. Time to experiment. First of all let me say, baking is not something that has always been successful for me but today I... Continue reading
Posted Nov 30, 2011 at Old House on Washington
Lots of First . . .Lots of the Same
I keep meaning to sit down and blog about Thanksgiving. But to tell you the truth, it's been hard the last 6 days. We are in the midst of our rough period that occurs each month with Danil like clockwork. I know by now, I should be able to deal.... Continue reading
Posted Nov 30, 2011 at Our Adoption On Washington
Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen is a Good Thing
Today I needed to make Deviled Eggs for Danil's first Thanksgiving Dinner tomorrow at Kevin's parents. I also wanted to make a "healthy" recipe for scones that I had come across. For the record, I love scones. The scones at Starbucks call my name, seriously they do, I'm not joking.... Continue reading
Posted Nov 19, 2011 at Our Adoption On Washington
4 Months Home
4 months ago today Danil and I stepped off the plane. We had very few words to communicate with each other. Today, Danil speaks English. He is starting to speak in complete sentences and can communicate just about everything. The other day he told us "I don't speak Russian because... Continue reading
Posted Nov 8, 2011 at Our Adoption On Washington
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