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Freddie's Blog...
Author, Life& Wellness Coach, MFT, Speaker, Instructor
Interests: Family, relationships, marriage, communication, writing, sculpting and learning
Recent Activity
Writing fiction: I had no idea how involved I...
Writing fiction: I had no idea how involved I could become, but I am throroughly enjoying this new endeavor. My 2nd book has no title yet- I'll get to that as the storyline evolves-however- so far the few people who have read some or all of the chapters are really... Continue reading
Posted Jul 24, 2012 at Freddie G's Blog...
Brand new blog coming up!
YIKES! I haven't been here in months I see. That's what writing a book will do to ya, I guess. I am about to launch a new blog that will be surpass this one (thankfully- since I have done nothing to increase followers) and it will center around my new... Continue reading
Posted Oct 17, 2011 at Freddie G's Blog...
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Often, in college, reading Shakespeare were references and plots that dealt with dreams. Meanings of dreams have fascinated most of us. My curiosity led me to study dreams and to try to utilize the sub-conscious messages (or at least the information) that these dreams offered in private practice as well... Continue reading
Posted Apr 29, 2011 at Freddie G's Blog...
There are moments all thought life when we have a quiet space to philosophize or review what we currently are all about and insight comes to us. We might be taking a long walk, sitting on a patio looking out over nature, reclining in a hammock or gazing out a... Continue reading
Posted Apr 25, 2011 at Freddie G's Blog...
Nonverbal Language in a Struggling Relationship
Effective verbal and nonverbal communication can improve chances for a struggling marriage to recover. Nonverbal language communicates even more messages in a discussion or an argument. It can be intentional or unintentional and interpretations of the speaker’s feelings and emotions result almost completely from the nonverbal aspect of the communication.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 21, 2011 at Freddie G's Blog...
Freddie's Blog... is now following Gkoch03
Mar 17, 2011
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Mar 17, 2011
Freddie's Blog... is now following Ann Marie Lei
Mar 17, 2011
Freddie's Blog... is now following Donya
Mar 17, 2011
Freddie's Blog... is now following Grace
Mar 17, 2011
Freddie's Blog... is now following Freddie T
Mar 17, 2011
Music and the Soul
It’s late afternoon and I wandered out to the patio to write. The warm California sun is still doing its job. I listen to the rhythm of the waterfall tumbling to the pond below and from inside the house the uplifting sounds of flamenco guitar playing fill the rest of... Continue reading
Posted Mar 16, 2011 at Freddie G's Blog...
Appreciating Language
Language connects us to other people. It’s a way of reinforcing the bond we have with someone we care about. We use electronic means to touch one another throughout the day with our cell phone and texting, Facebook and Twitter. Language helps us to connect; express affection. When we are... Continue reading
Posted Mar 8, 2011 at Freddie G's Blog...
Blind Date...
A number of years ago, I was doing my own talk show on radio and one of the staff members had a son in an alternative rock band. A disc jockey from the FM side had gone to see this drummer perform and mentioned to me his similarity to both... Continue reading
Posted Mar 2, 2011 at Freddie G's Blog...
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Mar 2, 2011
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