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Houston, Texas
Mom to 3 adorable Monkeys that keep life interesting and Loud!
Recent Activity
We got back to nature for Spring Break.......Maybe it was that darn Yogi Bear Movie, I don't know but for the record, I'm not a fan.....No one cares, they just ignore my whining and light up the coleman stove...oh well. I try to be a good sport but, just not... Continue reading
Posted Apr 10, 2011 at 3 monkeys' mama
JenniferE is now following Courtney Walsh
Apr 4, 2011
So I signed up to "help" with the kindergarten play and guess what? I was T.H.E. O.N.L.Y. O.N.E . to sign up at all, which I have learned through my life experiences of having an elementary age child that that only means one thing, your chairing that Puppy!!! This would... Continue reading
Posted Mar 23, 2011 at 3 monkeys' mama
My plate is O-V-E-R-F-L-O-W-I-N-G........but I will post more about that later. We took time to enjoy one of my very favorite spring time activities, the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. There are a lot of things that make my heart skip a beat at the rodeo- one of which is... Continue reading
Posted Mar 9, 2011 at 3 monkeys' mama
So, would someone please take my list and go to the store for me? Am I the only one who's least favorite part of meal planning is the grocery shopping? Oh and did I mention the putting the groceries away, ughhhh! I despise that part as well! Any takers? Anyone?... Continue reading
Posted Feb 21, 2011 at 3 monkeys' mama
This is what, in our family, we lovingly refer to as "the rat's nest". This head of hair causes many issues in our morning routine. If we weren't growing it out for Locks of Love, this mess would be gone! It is the consistency of doll hair- yes, my daughter... Continue reading
Posted Feb 15, 2011 at 3 monkeys' mama
Wow- Crazy week ahead with two of my kiddos in Basketball playoffs. Nothing says romance like basketball, right? Good thing because that is where I will be spending my Valentine's evening. This week is going to have to be quick and easy meals. Adding to the craziness, the Hubs is... Continue reading
Posted Feb 14, 2011 at 3 monkeys' mama
So, it may not be as exciting as Oprah's Favorite Things but starting today I will be sharing a few of my favorites things- Favorite Things Friday! These things will range from make-up remover to pet accidents removers(haven't found one of those yet, it you know of one please, share!)... Continue reading
Posted Feb 11, 2011 at 3 monkeys' mama
Whew! What a busy day we had, a fun day, but nonetheless, very busy.We started out the day with Kendra helping collect $$ for Souper Bowl of Caring before and after our church services. The Girls in Action were helping collect funds for that extremely worthy cause. It was fun... Continue reading
Posted Feb 9, 2011 at 3 monkeys' mama
JenniferE is now following Patrick Komeshak
Feb 7, 2011
JenniferE is now following
Feb 7, 2011
I am sooooooo tired from our Super Bowl all-day activities (post will be coming), but since everyone in this family wants to eat- really annoying- I have to meal plan and I joined Menu Plan Monday over at Organizing Junkie since I am doing that already. So, I guess you... Continue reading
Posted Feb 7, 2011 at 3 monkeys' mama
You don't have to know me very long before you know that I LOVE my State! This post is just filled with excitement for several reasons: 1) My Hubby actually knows Jack Ingram, like really knows him, like FB friends with the real Jack Ingram. He and my Hubby both... Continue reading
Posted Feb 3, 2011 at 3 monkeys' mama
* a two-story home is really hard to heat up when the temperature is in the 30's for 24 hours straight. *my kids HATE to wear coats, period. *I really don't like coats either unless It is a new coat. *I need a new coat. *I need an entire sweater... Continue reading
Posted Feb 2, 2011 at 3 monkeys' mama
Of course it is...Valentine's Day is around the corner and everyone is making plans to show the one(s) they love just how special they are. If you really want to score points this Valentine's Day, knowing your special someones "Love Language" is a must. I highly recommend this book written... Continue reading
Posted Jan 29, 2011 at 3 monkeys' mama
Last Friday, I hop into the car, ready for a day of relaxation- I was finally cashing in on my birthday gift of a Day at the Spa- so I am ready to go and see this.... UGH! There are only I few things I really can't stand and putting... Continue reading
Posted Jan 25, 2011 at 3 monkeys' mama
So, once and for all, I am going to have a master bedroom that I actually like. I don't know if it is just our house but our master bedroom seems to be the unwanted step-sister, as far as bedrooms go in our home. I mean really, the kids rooms... Continue reading
Posted Jan 21, 2011 at 3 monkeys' mama
JenniferE is now following Heather Bullard
Jan 21, 2011
There are few things funnier than watching 5 & 6 year olds (girls) play basketball. Today, I had a good, healthy dose of laughter, courtesy of my daughter's team. They are precious no matter what they do and watching them is so enjoyable because the game is still so much... Continue reading
Posted Jan 16, 2011 at 3 monkeys' mama
JenniferE is now following Joanne Heim
Jan 14, 2011
What's for Dinner?? So, if these aren't your favorite three words strung together or they are but you just needed a little inspiration in the cooking department- I have the website for you. I really do love to cook- I might even call myself a slight foodie...... But I do... Continue reading
Posted Jan 11, 2011 at 3 monkeys' mama
JenniferE is now following embers
Jan 10, 2011
ok, so the Aggies didn't win...... sigh. but there were so many positives about the Cotton Bowl experience that it definitely was not all a loss. here are just a few sights that we were able to take in. the hubby and I both agree that the experience was like... Continue reading
Posted Jan 9, 2011 at 3 monkeys' mama
JenniferE is now following Karen Russell
Jan 8, 2011
So excited to head to Dallas tomorrow to cheer on my Aggies! BTHO LSU! And no matter who wins the game, the Aggies always win halftime-WHOOP! Continue reading
Posted Jan 6, 2011 at 3 monkeys' mama