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writer, podcaster, optimist
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Aww thank you so much for sharing this, Amy! I am so fascinated by large families and all of their dynamics, both interpersonal but just logistical. I love that your mom was creative and made the space work for all of you. And yes, when you're a kid you don't tend to think anything is weird, it's just how it is!
Toggle Commented Sep 17, 2024 on Hello, September at RISING*SHINING
The humidity is its own special kind of torture! And honestly I might prefer the intense dry heat over the humidity (having grown up with it in Austin, and I know it's probably worse where you are!). I also think summer seasonal depression is a real thing and wish there was more writing about it, and ideas for what to do. For SAD there are the sunlight lamps...what's the equivalent for cold and dark (haha - but really!). There's another element here of worrying about how it's getting hotter and for longer, and what the future will be like. As in, will Arizona be livable in 20+ years? Will the economy continue to do well through this intense heat? We really do worry about these things and those possibilities add a whole other layer of mild anxiety to the down feelings we already have about the heat. Ick! Awww, it sounds like your family baby wants to keep up with the older sibs! I know some kids like that too!
Toggle Commented Sep 10, 2024 on Hello, September at RISING*SHINING
I really appreciate your reflections, Jaida! I do think what you mention - being out of sync with most of the rest of the country - is part of it. And you know, I also feel like on a deep, biological level my body seems to be expecting a change in season and is ready for it but it's not happening and instead is still SO dang hot. So I feel out of sync on an even deeper level. I do appreciate the acknowledgement and I think saying it out loud does help. Not in a complain-y way but just, "Wow, it's so hot and this is hard!" I love the idea of little changes inside and I do think that helps. I have some fall hand soaps to put out, and probably even baking something fallish would help. Appreciate the encouragement and validation!
Toggle Commented Sep 10, 2024 on Hello, September at RISING*SHINING
Friends, the weather is really getting me down this year! It's been so hot. Even when the heat drags on at least we are usually in the low 100s or high 90s by this point. This year it's just a string of numbers over 105º week after week after week. Last week it was 112º. (Maybe it's going to break next week?) Although summer is stubbornly holding on, Maeve and Cedric saw the first geese of fall during the last week of August. The evenings are getting darker a little earlier and the mornings are at least less hot. For... Continue reading
Posted Sep 9, 2024 at RISING*SHINING
Dash is so sweet with Maeve! And thank you! This skirt is one hundred years old (okay fine maybe 10?) and still going strong!
Toggle Commented Sep 6, 2024 on August coffee date at RISING*SHINING
I really loved your post on camping at KOAs - I have no experience with them but you put them on my radar. Perhaps for our future Midwest summers especially! I agree - being out of the house is so nice to be away from all the visual reminders of tasks.
Toggle Commented Sep 3, 2024 on August coffee date at RISING*SHINING
Happy back to school to you! We start SO early so we're quite out of sync with most other places. So smart to be thinking ahead to cold weather clothing, and taking advantage of sales!
Toggle Commented Sep 2, 2024 on August coffee date at RISING*SHINING
Hi, friends! This coffee date is brought to you by a pumpkin cream cold brew and a quiet early morning writing session, courtesy of our kids sleeping over with family (thank youuuu!). August was chock full, and also so so hot. Let's catch up a bit... Settling into routine We're over a month into our school year and I've started to notice that we're settling into routine. Our mornings are going smoothly and I'm really enjoying being back in a work routine. Our days are not without parenting challenges but I always really notice how good the routine of school... Continue reading
Posted Sep 1, 2024 at RISING*SHINING
Noting this for a future post! I think you'd like it. We have our spreadsheet budget and then mirror our different line items as categories in Monarch. I love seeing all the data and getting a snapshot of where we are in your grocery, personal allowance, etc. budgets during the month.
Toggle Commented Sep 1, 2024 on 2024 midyear goals update at RISING*SHINING
I really like this approach - you are keeping it at a perfect level for your kids' ages, and can always expand as they have more attention/interest in things. I am going to try something similar, so thank you! And I think morning is also when we should try things - generally at dinner there can be a lot of squirrely-ness. I love the idea of just asking for dinner/snack ideas, and also sharing anything that is coming up. I'll pop over and read your post as well, thanks!
Toggle Commented Aug 10, 2024 on 2024 midyear goals update at RISING*SHINING
Thanks for your question! For me personally I like keeping track of every book I read including ones I didn't finish because those are part of my reading journey too. By around 25% (and sometimes more!) if I'm not loving a book then I feel like I gave it a good try and it's just not for me. But for me personally I still think I get "credit" for trying and spending that time with a book. I don't rate unfinished books on Goodreads, unless I was really far into it and was so frustrated by it. And I also add them to a "did not finish" shelf, and I'll usually put a review like, "Made it to 30% and was not loving the characters and so abandoned." Sometimes I abandon books before 25% but for those I usually just remove from my Goodreads shelf and don't include them as a "read" book.
Toggle Commented Aug 9, 2024 on 2024 midyear goals update at RISING*SHINING
Thanks so much, Amanda!
Toggle Commented Aug 9, 2024 on 2024 midyear goals update at RISING*SHINING
Oh I like that idea a lot, Megan! Thank you for that suggestion!
Toggle Commented Aug 8, 2024 on 2024 midyear goals update at RISING*SHINING
We sailed past the year's half-way point in early July. At the time, I was too immersed in summer and preparing for my new workshop to reflect on my 2024 goals. But I don't want to miss the chance to check in. At the year's halfway point (or thereabouts) I can see where I'm making progress, and where I'm not. For goals I'm not making progress on I can decide if I'll commit to making them happen, perhaps with a different approach than I've tried before, or if it's time to let something go. So, let's check in! Here's an... Continue reading
Posted Aug 7, 2024 at RISING*SHINING
Yes it definitely adds up! I think we spent around $250 this year, also with no new backpacks or lunchboxes! I have seen charts that show Arizona schools are some of the least funded public schools (boooo) so maybe it shows up in how much parents need to contribute to school supplies. Which of course I'm happy to do but I'm sure that affects less affluent areas much more. :/
Thank you, Sarah!! Cheering for you! Those back to school fall vibes will be SO GOOD!
Toggle Commented Aug 1, 2024 on Hello, August! at RISING*SHINING
Ooo we have not been to Carlsbad Caverns and we definitely should go. Making a mental note. And I had not heard of Mammoth Cave NP, and you know I love national park! Thanks for these tips.
Toggle Commented Aug 1, 2024 on Hello, August! at RISING*SHINING
After school snack spread featuring pumpkin muffins*, The Week Junior, and National Geo Kids magazines We are over a week into a new school year and it's going okay. One kiddo initially had a hard time with the transition but is doing really well now (I'm so thankful!). We are far from being in a solid school-year routine but we are on our way and that feels good. This month we keep straddling summer and the school year. It's still soo hot and our options for weekend family fun feel really limited, especially if you don't want to spend all... Continue reading
Posted Aug 1, 2024 at RISING*SHINING
**Registration for Everyday Habits, Routines, and Rituals has closed for 2024. It will run again in 2025. Sign up to be notified of my next workshop.** I'm delighted to announce my next workshop: Everyday Habits, Routines, and Rituals. I'd love for you to join me! This workshop brings together my years-long passion for and study of habits, routines, and rituals in a cheerful and relatable way. During this engaging and encouraging workshop, you'll learn how to bring more intention to your days by creating and keeping practices you care about, and that fit your season of life and your personality.... Continue reading
Posted Jul 29, 2024 at RISING*SHINING
Thank you, Tram! Love seeing peeks of your summer in Wisconsin. I can understand how it would be hard to return to "normal life" ... but also be appealing too!
Thanks, Mary!
Thanks, Sarah! With this heat I am definitely so glad our district switched to this modified schedule. But I'm thinking even with good weather that a longer break would start to wear me out. Hope you keep finding summer fun! Definitely jealous of your weather -- we need to start spending summers up in Wisconsin ASAP!
I know so many people are just hitting their summer stride, but we are already wrapping things up over here. The kids start school next Tuesday! I've been kind of dreading this week, even since before summer started. I knew that our vacation to San Diego would be over, that we would not have any camps or childcare this week, and that it would be scorching hot. All true! This week I'm straddling being a summer mom and a back-to-school-work-mode mom, and I'm feeling very ready to shift into school routine and work days. To make the most of our... Continue reading
Posted Jul 15, 2024 at RISING*SHINING
Ah dang on the no beach reading. I did up getting to read quite a bit on our beach trip, although never at the beach! Too many kids to watch and not a comfy enough spot to sit. We still need to optimize our beach life - but still fun overall! Love the plan to not teach at all in the summer, and to be fully prepped by the end of the kids' school years. You can do it!!
Toggle Commented Jul 14, 2024 on July coffee date at RISING*SHINING
A "welcome home from camp" chocolate pie which has become tradition Hi, friends! I'm sipping a cold, cold black cherry sparkling water because at this time of year I'm constantly just a little bit warm, even when I'm inside in the a/c. And happy Fourth of July to my fellow Americans! We're flying the stars and stripes today, and also thinking a lot about what we hope for the future of our country and our upcoming election in particular. An early morning hike with a view that paid off We're in the depths of summer weather here with temps above... Continue reading
Posted Jul 4, 2024 at RISING*SHINING