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Tonnia Strand
San Diego
Lead generation, customer retention and market education expert
Interests: Helping people grow in their ability to reach goals and aspirations, good books, good food
Recent Activity
Advertising, tradeshows, direct mail and interactive websites are all great for branding, but nothing works like “voice-to-voice” communication to quickly qualify buyers and take them to the next step in the sales cycle. Outbound calling brings a 'voice" to your product or service that is genuine, knowledgeable and compelling, and... Continue reading
Posted Jan 31, 2011 at Outbound Calling by Design
When people find out that I’m in the outbound calling business they always tell me how much they hate cold calling. Then they ask me the same question “What’s the secret to successful outbound calling?” They want a “silver bullet” that will make it easy and productive. I’m sorry to... Continue reading
Posted Jan 13, 2011 at Outbound Calling by Design