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Jenn Granger
mother, music lover, dance while everyone's watching kinda gal
Interests: photography, playing, dancing, painting, traveling, singing loudly and did I mention dancing ??
Recent Activity
Absolutely Amazing Ride
This is a bit late for a "new years" post, but well sometimes that's just how I roll. I started this blog a year ago. My intention was to simply chronicle my journey as a newly single mom in private. I wrote for a few months before I ever had... Continue reading
Posted Jan 9, 2012 at Blossoms of My Soul
I feel compelled to write about the death of Steve Jobs. Having been a HUGE Apple fan since the very first Apple computer was released (when they were actually called Apples), I want to share my thoughts on his passing. Last night when I learned of his death I took... Continue reading
Posted Oct 6, 2011 at Blossoms of My Soul
What Goes Up Must Come Down??
I heard that on the radio today, and of course I have heard it many times before. I have decided that I just don't like it AT ALL. I have this internal voice that is so incredibly stong inside of me that tells me that when anything good happens something... Continue reading
Posted Oct 3, 2011 at Blossoms of My Soul
Asking for Help
Recently I have been stressing over that fine line between "is this where I am supposed to be?" and "should I be doing something different?". It keeps coming up for me . . .EVERYWHERE! My word for the year as many of you know is "be". Just be. Life has... Continue reading
Posted Sep 27, 2011 at Blossoms of My Soul
Open Your Heart
I've been on a blog hiatus this summer. Frankly I've been having too much fun just living my life. When I returned from Greece I came home with a renewed sense of joy for life, and the knowledge that I had a lot more living to do. New friends When... Continue reading
Posted Sep 1, 2011 at Blossoms of My Soul
Halfway Thru Summer
This summer is flying by. Here are some pics because there are no words to describe the craziness and unexpected fun we have had. My summer started in May with a trip to Greece and Istanbul with my youngest brother. It was amazing. Santorini, Greece May 2011 Mykonos, Greece May... Continue reading
Posted Jun 26, 2011 at Blossoms of My Soul
Yesterday I was reading an interesting article about the Rapture. Now normally I would not have even opened the article, but Michelle Vargas had posted it on her tumblr site. And since I regulary want to reach through the interweb and squeeze her with a great big hug because she... Continue reading
Posted May 22, 2011 at Blossoms of My Soul
Unread Library
I am supposed to be packing. I have many lists . . what to pack, what to do before I go, what to read etc. The "what to read" list is driving me nutty. I have purchased WAY too many books in the past couple of months. For some reason... Continue reading
Posted May 21, 2011 at Blossoms of My Soul
Fear seems to be circling it's wagons around me lately. Life continues to move forward. Change is scary, even when it is for the better. I picture the "change" as looming on the sidelines just waiting to strike. If I step back from what seems to be my "go to"... Continue reading
Posted May 15, 2011 at Blossoms of My Soul
Green with envy over here. WOW that is going to be an amazing retreat. Can't wait to hear all about it!
Class Supply List . . .
I have been a busy bee getting ready for my big adventure which starts next Sunday! That's right - May 8th . . . it's Mother's Day, my 40th birthday (woot!), and I'm taking off for the Do What You Love for Life Retreat in the English countryside. And let me tell ya, I am SO ready to breathe so...
It Takes A Village
I have always heard the phrase "it takes a village" and I never really thought much about it until I became a single mother. Looking back I have always relied on the help of others to help raise my children, but I didn't truly understand this at the time. My... Continue reading
Posted Apr 30, 2011 at Blossoms of My Soul
Jenn Granger is now following Tara Bradford
Apr 24, 2011
Finding Hope
"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies." -Andy Dufresne (Morgan Freeman) in Shawshank Redemption I have been thinking about hope a lot lately. Mainly because I have been feeling pretty hopeless. Why is it that we are in this dark place... Continue reading
Posted Apr 24, 2011 at Blossoms of My Soul
I just read your intro for Playing Big and thought "wow, she sounds just like me" and then I clicked on your blog link. I had to laugh out loud (when you see my blog you will know why ;0) ). I love this post, and I too find that my children help me to be present in the moment.
I look forward to the Playing Big journey with you ;0)!
Little Girl, Big Lesson
Photo By SashaW via flickr Yesterday I was driving in the car with my six year old, Mara. It was raining, and as we slowly pulled up to a red light she shared a little story with me. She very happily said, "Mommy, yesterday, when I was riding in the car, I looked out the window ...
Stretching the "Shut It" Muscle
Today I got a new pair of running shoes. I am not sure that anyone has been so excited about a pair of sneakers before that they blogged about it. But my inner critic is telling me "Why would anyone want to read about your shoes?" So just to show... Continue reading
Posted Apr 14, 2011 at Blossoms of My Soul
Eating Dog Food
I typically referr to my 21 month old and our 1yr old pup as litter mates. Watching their interaction is one of the sweetest things. UNTIL Austin forgets that he is a human and not a dog and decides he is going to eat dog food too. Recently I have... Continue reading
Posted Apr 9, 2011 at Blossoms of My Soul
Thank you Beth! I am loving the class. I wish I had more time to participate in the discussion and sharing. I am so busy right now that I am trying just to have fun with it on the weekends. Thanks for stopping by!!
A "Little" American Pastime
Dillon has his first T-Ball game this past weekend. I must start out by telling you that he takes his sports VERY seriously . . .at 5 ;0)! He told me, "Mom, I have NO time for pictures, I've got a game to play!" Did I mention he is five?? He is quite the slugger . . .just like his mom...
A "Little" American Pastime
Dillon has his first T-Ball game this past weekend. I must start out by telling you that he takes his sports VERY seriously . . .at 5 ;0)! He told me, "Mom, I have NO time for pictures, I've got a game to play!" Did I mention he is five??... Continue reading
Posted Mar 30, 2011 at Blossoms of My Soul
Thanks Eileen! I just learned how to reply to a comment. I probably should have just asked you. GREAT blog!
Incorporating the Kids
Just had an idea and had to write about it becasue I want feeback . . .yipee!! I have spent a great deal of time tryingto figure out what I want to do with ex-hubbys office. When I built this house I had an office built for him off the garage . . not connected to the house. It has been sittin...
Rebecca, I just learned how to reply to a comment . . yay! I have taken my camera with me every where lately . . I am totally obsessed with the lens you suggested. Getting ready to share more pics with the flickr group.
You are already a great mom, and I know if you have human babies one day you are going to ROCK IT!
Don't you just love that word?? Well I do. I have been taking Rebecca Murphy's Encapsulate e-course for the past month. It was her first time giving the course, and you would have never known it. She is a VERY gifted teacher and huge inspiration to me. My word for 2011 is "be". I am w...
Sorry it's taken me so long to repsond. I just figured out how to do it . .ha! Thank you! One thing Rebecca taught me is that it's never too late to "encapsulate". I agree about the e-courses. I feel surrounded by love and acceptance. I fear the teenage years, so you will be in my thoughts ;0)!! Enjoy every second you can with them.
Don't you just love that word?? Well I do. I have been taking Rebecca Murphy's Encapsulate e-course for the past month. It was her first time giving the course, and you would have never known it. She is a VERY gifted teacher and huge inspiration to me. My word for 2011 is "be". I am w...
Thank you. I find that when I share my secrets they lose their power. But I have to make sure I share them in a safe environment. If you are ever ready to share I am always here. Your comment is such a blessing to me.
YAY wishBIG camp. See you round the campire ;0)!
For five whole days in a row I have not used food to numb. This is huge for me, and I am doing my own celebration dance. When I sat down to write I was not planning on talking about food. I don't talk about food. Well, at least I do not typically speak my truth about food. I was planning to writ...
Don't you just love that word?? Well I do. I have been taking Rebecca Murphy's Encapsulate e-course for the past month. It was her first time giving the course, and you would have never known it. She is a VERY gifted teacher and huge inspiration to me. My word for... Continue reading
Posted Mar 19, 2011 at Blossoms of My Soul
Fine Line
As you already know this week is Spring Break and I have been home all week with the kids. It really has been awesome with both the ups and downs of the week. I have become keenly aware of my message to my children through both my actions and what... Continue reading
Posted Mar 18, 2011 at Blossoms of My Soul
Coming Together
Yesterday was the most glorious, ordinary day. It is Sping Break this week and so I am home with my kids. I can honestly say that going into this week I was a bit scared, "What am I going to do with them all week?" Normally we would have a... Continue reading
Posted Mar 16, 2011 at Blossoms of My Soul
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