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Mark MyWord
Forgot my GPS on the bus
Ex-stand out-side comedian, disenfranchised from reality by poli-sci
Interests: Those who endured hardships from not realizing this blog is 'satire', I was just joking! To protect myself and the public from further injury, or legal problems, I might downgrade to 'humor', or 'pitiful homilies that warm your heart and make you smile'.
WARNING: This blog is for theraputical purposes. If you do not suffer from what I have, read very carefully, and only laugh after the all-is-clear siren.
My identity is a secret. Because, in twenty years I will be famous, and I do not want to publicize it yet.
Recent Activity
Mark MyWord is now following Loïc Le Meur
Oct 2, 2011
Mark MyWord is now following Mark Simmons
Oct 2, 2011
In Singapore, at the passport control they have a...
In Singapore, at the passport control they have a picture of my blog. Aparently my jokes are a worse offence than littering Continue reading
Posted Sep 27, 2011 at BLOG FAIL
I paid for material to be translated into Tamil,...
I paid for material to be translated into Tamil, then into Spanish for them to understand how funny the jokes are. Continue reading
Posted Sep 27, 2011 at BLOG FAIL
If they didn't 'get it' the first time, no matter...
If they didn't 'get it' the first time, no matter how clever the answer is, they won't get the second one either Continue reading
Posted Sep 27, 2011 at BLOG FAIL
I have yet to come up with a GOOD comeback, when I...
I have yet to come up with a GOOD comeback, when I send strangers a joke - and they ask back "What am I doing?" Continue reading
Posted Sep 27, 2011 at BLOG FAIL
Twitter new record, of a man blocked by all of his...
Twitter new record, of a man blocked by all of his followers Continue reading
Posted Sep 26, 2011 at BLOG FAIL
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