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Boston, Massachusetts
20-Something year old who finds joy in food, fashion, friends that are family and family that are friends.
Recent Activity
Hi All! I've finally decided on a new name for this blog and moved to a new address today...please come visit me at! See you there! Marissa Continue reading
I started a new job yesterday. Well actually it’s my old job but for the sake of my sanity I’m looking at it as a new beginning. When I walked into the building yesterday (after overcoming a brief stint of violent butterflies outside on the sidewalk) it felt like I... Continue reading
To complain about the weather is part of every Bostonians' psyche. We can't help it, really we've tried to stop but there is always something to complain about. At least we're not in denial. If the sun is shining a little too bright, if clouds are rolling in a little... Continue reading
When it comes to gifts there are those who are all about the giving, those that prefer to be on the receiving end and those that fall somewhere in the middle. I'm one of those in the middle. I love nothing more than finding the most perfect gift to bestow... Continue reading
my new favorite necklace Today is the kind of autumn day that I wish we had more of and I should be outside taking advantage of every minute because these days won't last for long. I however spent a majority of the weekend in the kitchen and putting some finishing... Continue reading
You know that moment when you are out shopping and something catches your eye, immediately stopping you in your tracks and causing you to forget about the person on the other end of your iPhone? It’s like you can’t see anything else but that pair of shoes (handbag, dress, jacket,... Continue reading
Sometime last year I called my mum and said, "Mum, I've been thinking...". I barely finished my sentence before she replied, "I don't like it when you usually involves spending lots of money." I was mildly offended for a few moments until I realized that she was absolutely right.... Continue reading
My friends, Christina and Jeff, were married over the weekend just outside of Burlington, Vermont. I am so grateful to have been able to share this special day with them and am sad that it had to end. You couldn't have asked for better weather and I couldn't ask for... Continue reading
It’s been a while since I preheated my oven but with the Fall weather moving into Boston, today seemed like the perfect day to spend some time with my baking books. I picked up a few Cortland apples from the Farmer’s Market this morning and knew right away that I... Continue reading
My dad takes the credit for picking out my name, Marissa Christina so it only makes sense that he would give me my nickname. His nickname for me is Rambo. Everyone always questions the name and I can understand why. For the most part I am a quiet, laidback girl... Continue reading
I love change and possess an innate desire to constantly evolve my world - not in an "out with the old, in the with the new" mindset though. I just feel that I need to rearrange a few things (like my thoughts as well as my living room and bedroom... Continue reading
There's that old saying, "if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen" - well somehow I've managed to get used to the heat and have stopped noticing just how hot it really is at times. I don't even work behind the line so I can only imagine... Continue reading
My dad is a great storyteller. My dad’s cousins are great storytellers as well. And my bestest friend Caitlin will captivate the attention of everyone around when she starts to tell a story. To me there is no better time than sitting around talking and sharing stories with friends and... Continue reading
For today’s mystery box challenge… Ok so maybe I spend too much time watching Chopped and MasterChef since that was the first thing I thought of when I saw my weekly Boston Organics delivery. I am a cookbook junkie and envious of those that can think on their feet in... Continue reading
My love affair with vintage is fairly new - we're still getting to know each other but we're off to a great start. I first started taking a liking to vintage while looking through family pictures. I'd call my mum to ask if she still had the dress she was... Continue reading
Oh how I love the summer and its rainy nights. I am the girl that will tip her head back and twirl in the rain rather than run for cover... And the one who keeps an eye out for "splashable" puddles... And the one who has high expectations and extreme... Continue reading
It feels odd to no longer dread Mondays...since I spend most of my weekends at the restaurant, Monday is the day I most look forward to. The weather was a bit unpredictable in Boston today so I decided to devote the daylight hours to cleaning and organizing my apartment. I... Continue reading
My family has been spending summers down the cape since I was in the 8th grade. The first summer down there was a traumatic event for me - I did not want to leave my friends and was emotionally devastated. I'm sure Margueritte and Dina vividly remember me falling to... Continue reading
My friend Christina shared a link to this Etsy shop on Facebook...I just had to share it with everyone...I am cracking up over these greeting cards and journals...the shop licenses its content through this site...if I still spent my days in a cubicle I'd most likely spend tomorrow reading every... Continue reading
Top Chef, MasterChef, and Hell's Kitchen are some of my favorite reality TV shows. All the chefs competing on these shows have a signature dish. I recently met someone and they asked what my signature dish was...ummmm I don't have one?!? I still rely heavily on the recipes of others... Continue reading
During colder weather I make soup on a weekly if not daily basis but the month of July is not the time to cozy up with a steaming bowl of the stuff. I've never given chilled soups a chance so today I decided to make my version of Vichyssoise. Vee... Continue reading
I headed to Chicago over the weekend to celebrate Liz's Bachelorette with 10 other lovely ladies...the weekend commemorated her "last sail" as a single lady before she "drops anchor and ties the knot" in September. Here are some highlights from the weekend... Stopped by the Signature Lounge on the 96th... Continue reading
Ok I know that I'm kind of going against what I said in my last post - about true happiness not coming from sparkly things - but that was before I saw these shoes! Couldn't you just pass out?!? Miu Miu Glitter Booties (images courtesy of Neiman Marcus and Nordstrom Continue reading
What makes you happy? It's a simple enough question, right? Sure it's simple but my answers have been all wrong for so long. What makes me happy isn't what's hanging in my closet or the sparkly things that lay in my jewelry case. No longer will I answer this question... Continue reading
One thing I love about working at the front of the house is that I have the opportunity to wear almost anything in my closet. I don't have to worry if something is actually considered business casual. I am free to express my personality on a daily basis. When I... Continue reading