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The 'burbs of Seattle
Interests: Cooking, reading, writing, mom-ing, and various other things that end in -ing.
Recent Activity
My Almost
Today could have been a very big day for me. For us….. I admit that I’m forcing myself to say could and not should. Should is a word wasted on the idea that you know better than destiny or the universe or just the way things are. I want to... Continue reading
Posted Feb 26, 2016 at Erin's Wicked Little Blog
The Things I Used To Know
Here I sit. My hair its usual mess, my face its usual tired, myself at my usual spot. I’m sitting in front of a computer that I’ve spent hours staring at. Hours and hours. Some hours working, some hours shopping for things that ought not to be bought, some hours... Continue reading
Posted Mar 28, 2015 at Erin's Wicked Little Blog
Finding the "I" in "MOM"
To be honest I was never 100% sure that I should to be a Mom. I don’t mean that to sound harsh, I just never saw myself being much good at it and if you've ever witnessed my attempt at any sort of sport then you know I don’t put... Continue reading
Posted May 9, 2014 at Erin's Wicked Little Blog
The burden of yellow roses
In preface, this is the first blog I've written in f-o-r-e-v-e-r! I've written other things, letters, cookbooks and thousands of iPhone notes but I haven't felt compelled to blog. Today I did. Sometimes compelled writing is just therapy, which this may be for me as I was sad. I didn't... Continue reading
Posted Feb 13, 2014 at Erin's Wicked Little Blog
An ode to the pioneer women of the 1980's
Scarlet may have been painted as high maintenance but it's no secret that I couldn't have made it in the olden days at all. My lack of pioneer woman abilities is a sad fact and one I learned early on in my life as I begged my parents for feet... Continue reading
Posted Oct 14, 2012 at Erin's Wicked Little Blog
The magic of Mom and other four lettered words.
The first time I heard my baby call me Mom was one of the most magical moments in my life. It was the kind of magic that not a chemical drug, Walt Disney in his prime or even nature itself could reproduce. It was the magic of love and it... Continue reading
Posted Sep 4, 2012 at Erin's Wicked Little Blog
One small business for mankind, one giant leap for one family
After years spent behind a desk for AIG, I know what it's like working for a big corporation. I know what it's like when your company newsletter isn't used to recap the company picnic at the park but rather their new skyscraper changing Hong Kong's skyline. I know what it's... Continue reading
Posted Aug 2, 2012 at Erin's Wicked Little Blog
A letter to my landlord
(#3 of 642 things to write about) Dear.......what's your name again? Kathy I think. No, maybe it's Nancy...... Regardless of your name, I remember you only by your stringy blond hair and that when you talked you would close your eyes while your mouth was moving. This was how I... Continue reading
Posted Jul 28, 2012 at Erin's Wicked Little Blog
Cold soccer balls and hot lips
(1 of 642 things to write about.....) I wish I was someone who had incredible perseverance. Someone who could fall hiking up a mountain only to find more determination to reach the top. Someone who would jump off a cliff any number of times until the fear was finally gone.... Continue reading
Posted Jul 6, 2012 at Erin's Wicked Little Blog
Writing, better than eating bugs!
I am very happy that my Godmother isn't the fairy kind of Godmother. I'm happy that I don't have to live in slave labor conditions, held captive by my Father's evil widow and her hideous daughters to cook and clean for them and their evil cat. I am happy that... Continue reading
Posted Jul 1, 2012 at Erin's Wicked Little Blog
11 Little Things I Loved About 2011
Where does the time go? This ultimate in cliches is also one of the most true and here we are in December....again! It's not like we don't know where the time went, it's shown on our slightly worn faces, slightly tighter jeans, and slightly taller kids. Time passes us by... Continue reading
Posted Dec 19, 2011 at Erin's Wicked Little Blog
When at home, Bon Appetit!
The summer is over. For the next 6 or so months our vitamin D will have to come from a plastic bottle rather than the warm sky and our glass bottles will have to be toasted around a dining room table rather than your deck's weathered furniture set. The earlier... Continue reading
Posted Oct 5, 2011 at Erin's Wicked Little Blog
Some Like It Hot....And Saucy!
It has been far too long since I have looked at this screen and actually typed something other than numbers into Quickbooks or kiss ass emails to random people I don't even know, but it's now the end of summer (frown face) and enough is enough, I am on a... Continue reading
Posted Sep 4, 2011 at Erin's Wicked Little Blog
Russia the Dynamite!
You know why I'm smarter than Napoleon? I went to Russia in June and left in July. I am also taller than him and focus more on good food rather than total world domination but to each his own. Of course if Napoleon had studied up on Russia's cuisine while... Continue reading
Posted Jul 16, 2011 at Erin's Wicked Little Blog
To Russia With Love
I can't really explain my fascination with Russia other than the fact that the country is simply fascinating! What other country has foregone the typical boring titles of royalty to simple, yet accurate, adjectives? Peter the Great, Ivan IV the Terrible, Ivan III the Great, all much better than plain... Continue reading
Posted Jun 15, 2011 at Erin's Wicked Little Blog
When in Bothell
Oh sweet Italy, I've never seen you but you smell terrrrific! What a great place to begin my culinary travel adventure. With a goal of four meals, I couldn't resist and made five main dishes and one dessert from the historic place that the pathetic Jersey Shore cast calls "homeland".... Continue reading
Posted Jun 2, 2011 at Erin's Wicked Little Blog
When In Rome
I do not believe in regret. Human beings are delicate creatures set to walk this earth but only once and I find regret a huge waste of that precious time. I also try to un-subscribe to guilt but that's a bit of tall order at times. As I type this... Continue reading
Posted May 22, 2011 at Erin's Wicked Little Blog
Molto Gustoso!
The one thing my Italian journey has taught me so far is that this is one darn tasty country! Sure I haven't tossed a coin into the Trevi fountain, but the pond in our back yard is almost flooding. I haven't taken a tasting flight at a Tuscan winery, but... Continue reading
Posted May 15, 2011 at Erin's Wicked Little Blog
As I am about to take off on my recession and gas price proofed version of around the world travel I first have a small confession or confessione (in italian). The real reason that Italy is number one on my imaginary destination list is because I really wanted a Kitchen... Continue reading
Posted May 8, 2011 at Erin's Wicked Little Blog
Around the World in 40 Meals
Though I have traveled a lot, I would not consider myself well traveled. My parents were great at making sure we saw a lot of the U.S. growing up, I've been to both sides of Mexico and Canada and when I am in Jamaica they welcome me back home, but... Continue reading
Posted Apr 30, 2011 at Erin's Wicked Little Blog
March Gladness vs. March Sadness
I feel that the appropriate time has passed to allow for proper mourning. I also happen to have my Dad's blessing on the subject. I believe that I can now talk about the Jayhawks. Yes, I am just a girl. A simple game of HORSE would take me a good... Continue reading
Posted Apr 19, 2011 at Erin's Wicked Little Blog
It's not a fear of flying, it's a fear of falling!
There are three things that I would love to be able to change about myself: My disdain of mushrooms, my inability to handle any form of criticism and my psychotic fear of flying. Of course there are many other little personal annoyances I have. My horrid eye sight, my grammatical... Continue reading
Posted Apr 15, 2011 at Erin's Wicked Little Blog
It's Easy Being Green!
Being of Irish decent provides one with many perks, but the best may be the simple fact that just being Irish can give you the perfectly needed excuse for many situations. A few examples are.... "Wow, you drink a lot of beer!" "Yeah, I'm Irish!" "You sure do play a... Continue reading
Posted Mar 17, 2011 at Erin's Wicked Little Blog
EVM is now following Finding God On The Train - Notes On Enlightenment
Mar 14, 2011
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Mar 14, 2011
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