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The official magazine blog of the Rasamaya system of movement
Interests: our Rasamaya friends and soon-to-be friends, yoga, barre, Pilates, sexuality, wellness, relationships, parenting, aerial yoga, hoola hooping, burlesque, belly dance, food, nutrition, immunity
Recent Activity
Yesterday I stood in front of a senior class of marketing majors and told them that I work from “7am to 11pm, six days a week”… and they gasped. It wasn’t the reaction I expected—to me this is my definition of normal. Continue reading
I have been thinking about Savasana lately. Actually, I was thinking about Savasana through the lens of “things I could teach better”—and this is an overused lens! I could teach everything better. Continue reading
For today's intelligent movement piece I would take some time to answer some of the most common questions I receive about beginning a yoga practice.... HOW OFTEN SHOULD I PRACTICE YOGA? Continue reading
Yoga is great for balance, flexibility and mental focus. This is widely known. It’s less widely known that yoga is great for strength and muscle conditioning. Want to win a major bodybuilding or power lifting competition by training solely with yoga... Continue reading
The feet represent grounding and rooting in the body and are energetically related to our first energy center, which in Sanskrit is called muladhara, translating loosely as "root." Red in color, this Loving_feet chakra located at the base of the pelvis and maintains a slow steady rhythm that beats in time to the steps of our daily movement patterns. I like to think of it... Continue reading
It seems that everybody is doing Pilates or yoga these days. Articles on yoga and Pilates fill many magazines and tabloids often feature stars pictured leaving their yoga or Pilates class, mat in tow. Why all the excitement? Continue reading
I truly believe that meditation is one of the healthiest, most grounding and balancing practices we can incorporate into our lives. Why then do I struggle so to just sit and breathe? It seems there is always something else to do. I am distracted, my cat is jumping on me—the list can go on and on. A trusted friend told me I was making too big a deal out of it and to just sit quietly in a chair with no expectations or strain about ‘doing it right.’ Wise words.... Continue reading
It all started with a little wiffle ball action out in the front yard of my aunt and uncle's beautiful and quaint Cape house. Let me paint more of a picture for you... Continue reading
I find myself engaged in yoga, either teaching or taking class, almost every day, but I recently realized I actually stopped doing yoga a few months ago. I am willing to bet some of you reading this, if you stop and think, have too. Whether teaching or learning, it is easy to get caught up in the spider web of the logistics that are a part of being a yogi—which studios to go to? How to work the practice into daily life? Continue reading
Welcome to the new category for Embody—"Rags to Riches." This is our new business section for life, love and holistic business ideas. It will cover everything from how to run a successful business, to the philosophy and ethics of running a successful studio. I've learned a lot in the last 12 years about what to do and more importantly what definitely, definitely not to do. I started my business at the age of 23 on a wing and a prayer and a 0% charge card. Continue reading
As I walk out of the shower I start to see a shimmer in front of my eyes, a shimmer much too familiar. As if I looked at the sun for too long and now my eyes need a break. I remain calm and ask my husband to talk to me for a moment. I explain to him what's about to hit me and that I need his help typing emails (I have a class in 1.5 hours!), wetting a towel in cold water for my head and checking on me occasionally. Continue reading
What is home? This is a deep question, one my family and I revisit regularly – we are transatlantic, move a lot, and yet feel very at home together. My husband and his family are English and Welsh, and my family is spread over the East Coast of the US. Andy and I have moved something like 19 times in our 24 years together. We sometimes practically moved with the tides, it seemed. Our kids have moved less, but they recently absorbed the big move from London to BTristantoesoston Continue reading
Diana used this fantastic playlist in her Rasamaya Core Class today. Check out her classes at Core Flow Yoga in Brattleboro, Vermont! Continue reading
Love of yoga, stilling the mind, and sacred space Hi. I’m Mark Taylor, five year yoga enthusiast, two year yoga instructor, and first-time blogger. I started practicing yoga at the tender young age of 50. No joke! 50! Like many, I simply wanted the physical benefits, improved balance and flexibility. And, yes, I got those. But, yoga opened me up to so much more. Continue reading
Music has become a huge part of the yoga class experience. Even though some schools advise against it, I feel that it plays a great role in enhancing our yoga experience, especially in flow classes. Music helps us find that beautiful dance between movement and breath, creates an atmosphere to dive deeper into our feelings and enhances our vibration. Continue reading
My grandmother was a yogini before it was culturally acceptable in the West. And when she injured her back doing the plow well into her golden years, her doctor sternly told her to give up yoga. She didn't listen, of course, and soon discovered that she could bring her foot behind her head. Continue reading
“I’m home. I’m blindly in love.” Those are the words that come to mind every time I set foot onto Star Island. There is something so far beyond words about this luscious gem one hour off the coast of Portsmouth, NH. There is a reason why so many of us call it “our heart’s home.” Continue reading
After recently spending a week at an Integrative Nutrition Conference in gorgeous Nosara, Costa Rica, I came back feeling rejuvenated and energized, ready to conquer the world! While at the retreat center, I was surrounded by natural paradise and a strong, inspiring community; every day, I was given the opportunity to truly nourish myself with running on the beach, yoga, deep breathing, education, clean food, alkalinized water, supportive and positive people. Continue reading
Recently, I was on Facebook killing time and looking through recent status updates of my friends. One in particular caught my eye… a good friend of mine had posed a question to all of her Facebook friends, asking us what we thought the difference was between surrendering and giving up. There was no explanation offered as to what prompted this question, but I was intrigued and, before reading what others had written already, I posted my own response in an attempt to contribute to the discussion. Continue reading
As yogis, we typically enjoy the benefits of our practice – strength, wakefulness, energy, and nourishment (or, at least, we hope to). While this health of mind and body is certainly priceless, often it does come with a catch. Mine, I’ve found, is that the vivacity I draw from yoga... Continue reading
Last week I got 4 free pounds of pickling cucumbers in my CSA share and took this as a sign to learn how to pickle! It is easy and oh so delicious... I have been eating the pickles in sandwiches, salads and straight from the jar. Continue reading
Last weekend I took myself on a date to spend the day in Portland, Maine. It feels so good to get out of Dodge sometimes, for a new perspective. There are so many excellent restaurants, concerts and galleries to explore in Portland. Why not make a day of it? Some of the places I visited on my last expedition were… Continue reading
It took 32 years to convince myself to wash my hair every other day...33 years to figure out that being single has its benefits too...34 years to find freedom and learn how to act on intuition. Intuition allowed me to be open to the possibilities that surround me. Intuition, along with a lack of expectations, means anything can happen!... Continue reading
Recently, my mother-in-law expressed worry over the fact that we virtually eliminated milk from our school-aged children’s diets at home. “But how will they get enough calcium?” she asked. I can understand her concern.... Continue reading
Wanderlust Vermont 2011 was an epic event not to be missed! Held on the grounds of Stratton Mountain, Bondville, VT, from July 23 to 26, the festival drew an incredible assortment of teachers and students from around the countr Continue reading