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Actually I read it yesterday but I had some thoughts about it and today I wanted to read it again because it is very well written.
Going There [by Tracy K. Smith]
Last night I watched Terrence Malick’s “Tree of Life.” A friend had urged me to see it because she sensed a strong affinity between what it is reaching and yearning toward and the questions and metaphors running through my most recent book: God, death, the beyond, the within, birth, the need ...
The seat belt has permisde halve the number of road deaths and reduce from 35 to 40% fewer serious injuries ... But more than 500 lives could still be saved each year if everyone correctly attached to the rear as the front.
vehicle safety
Continental evSAT sensor enhances plug-in vehicle safety
evSAT will immediately shut off the high-voltage battery in the event of a collision while the vehicle is in charge mode. (Inset: Acceleration sensor evSAT) Click to enlarge. Continental has developed a sensor (satellite) for electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles which will immediately shut o...
very interesting
web rent car algeria
Toyota and Mazda Agree to Hybrid System Technology License; Mazda to Apply in SKY Engine-Based Hybrid for 2013
Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) and Mazda Motor Corporation (Mazda) have reached an agreement on the supply by Toyota under license to Mazda of the hybrid system technology used in the Toyota Prius. (Earlier post.) Leveraging this agreement, Mazda plans to combine the hybrid system with its next-...
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Feb 28, 2011
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