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Champagne in one hand...but what's in the other? A blog about my latest obsessions, inspirations and living life in color
Interests: crochet, travel, weight training, running, hula hooping, bootcamp
Recent Activity
yes, that model is probably going to get too pricey for me though. She insists on being paid in champagne cocktails......!!
Choose Your Friends (and Family) Wisely...
I'm not saying I'm friends with my friends just because they are friends are beautiful inside and out. My family too. But it sure helps, when looking for top models for my scarves if they are kind and aesthetically pleasing ;-)! This week, two loyal and brave friends (Els a...
Choose Your Friends (and Family) Wisely...
I'm not saying I'm friends with my friends just because they are friends are beautiful inside and out. My family too. But it sure helps, when looking for top models for my scarves if they are kind and aesthetically pleasing ;-)! This week, two loyal and brave friends (Els... Continue reading
Posted Aug 27, 2011 at Champagne in one hand...
thanks Debi! It's so much fun! The poor sheep better hold on tight to their fleeces, cos I'm coming!!
Adventures in Nuno
So, my felting (yes Karen, I said 'felting') obsession continues in full force, and I promised a tutorial right? but then i got carried away playing with 'nuno' felting. Nuno (Japanese for 'cloth') describes a felting technique when wool or other loose fiber is bonded to a sheer fabric (most of...
Adventures in Nuno
So, my felting (yes Karen, I said 'felting') obsession continues in full force, and I promised a tutorial right? but then i got carried away playing with 'nuno' felting. Nuno (Japanese for 'cloth') describes a felting technique when wool or other loose fiber is bonded to a sheer fabric (most... Continue reading
Posted Aug 23, 2011 at Champagne in one hand...
Flying the Flag(s)! 2000 Hits and Beyond!
On Sunday my blog went over 2000 hits (total, not per day)!! This may not seem much to seasoned bloggers but I'm a very proud infant blog mama! What I'm super excited about is how international the blogkingdom is. Champagne in One Hand... has had visitors from 36 countries (that... Continue reading
Posted Aug 17, 2011 at Champagne in one hand...
How I Felt...
What do you get if you cross these: with a pool noodle, some bubble wrap, washing up liquid, vinegar, hot water, a pair of knee-high tights, a rolling pin and a towel? (No, it's not a joke!) This!!!! (and my new obsession ;-) I made the iris scarf with white... Continue reading
Posted Aug 12, 2011 at Champagne in one hand...
Sara is now following rosiepink
Aug 11, 2011
Iceland - Loving all thing woolen
There's a lot of sheep in Iceland. That many sheep must produce quite a lot of wool... and it's cold in Iceland, most of the time. No wonder Icelandic folk have an affinity for all things woolen (in addition to elves and trolls and vikings). This blog post is a... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2011 at Champagne in one hand...
Gracias Susana por visitar mi blog y gracias por tu comentario :-)
Works in Progress
Just like Rihanna (who knew she crocheted?), chains and WIPs excite me! I haven't talked about crochet for a while on my blog but believe me, there's still plenty going on. Here are a few of my latest Works In Progress :-) First up: the yarn-gobbling Glamorous Granny from Le Monde de Sucrette'...
Works in Progress
Just like Rihanna (who knew she crocheted?), chains and WIPs excite me! I haven't talked about crochet for a while on my blog but believe me, there's still plenty going on. Here are a few of my latest Works In Progress :-) First up: the yarn-gobbling Glamorous Granny from Le... Continue reading
Posted Aug 3, 2011 at Champagne in one hand...
Iceland Photos - Horsing Around
A week has flown by since I returned from Iceland! Sadly, this adventure was the "last huraah" for my faithful, world-traveling must have been jiggled around in one too many timezones :-( "Death due to fried motherboard" (ouch!) recorded last week. RIP dear friend, you will be missed... So,... Continue reading
Posted Aug 1, 2011 at Champagne in one hand...
Thanks Debi!
Champagne in one in the other
This weekend I entered 3 of the 1000s of photos taken during my 13 months of travel around New Zealand, South America and India to the Photography competition at Ventura County Fair. I naively presumed that it would be a low key, small scale affair; me and approximately 8 other people.... I en...
Champagne in one in the other
This weekend I entered 3 of the 1000s of photos taken during my 13 months of travel around New Zealand, South America and India to the Photography competition at Ventura County Fair. I naively presumed that it would be a low key, small scale affair; me and approximately 8 other... Continue reading
Posted Jul 27, 2011 at Champagne in one hand...
Iceland - a Photographic Teaser
Yeah, so I got itchy travel feet….. I blame the fact that I was hungry when my friend Lorelle suggested an adventure to Iceland (we were at brunch) and I nearly snatched her passport-holding hand off! Iceland - somewhere between Greenland and Great Britain She preyed on my weakened state;... Continue reading
Posted Jul 22, 2011 at Champagne in one hand...
aren't they fantastic!! some were very spandau ballet/duran duran! I love your name. if i get one i will name it in your honor!
Alpacas and Packing
Anyone who knows me knows that I am a packing supremo! If packing was an Olympic sport, I’d be atop of medal mountain. When travel beckons, my bag is packed quicker than you can say “pronto”, in a compact, spatially efficient and effortlessly stylish manner, ready to go at least a couple of tim...
Alpacas and Packing
Anyone who knows me knows that I am a packing supremo! If packing was an Olympic sport, I’d be atop of medal mountain. When travel beckons, my bag is packed quicker than you can say “pronto”, in a compact, spatially efficient and effortlessly stylish manner, ready to go at least... Continue reading
Posted Jul 14, 2011 at Champagne in one hand...
F(Ph)enomenal Friday: Sana Mulla, Teaching Us All
Happy Friday Everyone! This is the third part of my series of F(Ph)enomenal Friday posts about the people of Children Walking Tall kids charity in Goa. Click on Part I and Part II for the previous articles. If good things come in small packages, today’s F(Ph)enomenal person is, um, phenomenally... Continue reading
Posted Jul 8, 2011 at Champagne in one hand...
Bootie Call
These booties are made for walking... and that's just what they'll do... one of these days these booties are gonna walk all over you. (my boyfriend must really love me to pose for me like this ;-)) July 4th weekend was all about booties (and some barbecue and star spangled... Continue reading
Posted Jul 6, 2011 at Champagne in one hand...
careful what you wish for Michaela ;-)
My Granny’s A Wool-Eating Monster!!
I vowed I’d never do it….never!! never!! never!! No way Jose would I crochet a GRANNY SQUARE!!!! It just seemed too, um, grannyish! I realized I was granny-prejudiced but I get teased enough about my "habit" (read obsession) and crochet already suffers from an (undeserved) reptuation of being...
thanks Angie and thanks for organizing the challenge. i've never done a CAL before and I'm meeting such lovely people! It's lovely to see how you've connected people from all around the world! Long live the granny!!
My Granny’s A Wool-Eating Monster!!
I vowed I’d never do it….never!! never!! never!! No way Jose would I crochet a GRANNY SQUARE!!!! It just seemed too, um, grannyish! I realized I was granny-prejudiced but I get teased enough about my "habit" (read obsession) and crochet already suffers from an (undeserved) reptuation of being...
My Granny’s A Wool-Eating Monster!!
I vowed I’d never do it….never!! never!! never!! No way Jose would I crochet a GRANNY SQUARE!!!! It just seemed too, um, grannyish! I realized I was granny-prejudiced but I get teased enough about my "habit" (read obsession) and crochet already suffers from an (undeserved) reptuation of being a bit... Continue reading
Posted Jul 3, 2011 at Champagne in one hand...
F(Ph)enomenal Friday: Be The Change You Want To See In The World - Rob Lyon
This is part II of a series of F(Ph)enomenal Friday posts about the people of Children Walking Tall. For part I, click here. And today, I welcome you to..... “Who Wants To Be A (rupee) Millionaire” (cue loud audience applause) For 1000 rupees: Have you even seen or read about... Continue reading
Posted Jun 30, 2011 at Champagne in one hand...
Celebrating 1000 Hits and Getting to the (Bikini) Bottom of a Problem
Happy 1000 hits to me, Happy 1000 hits to me, Happy 1000 hits dear (sing really fast), Happy 1000 hits to me! Yep, over the weekend I passed the 1000 views milestone on my blog (who woulda thought I could hit the refresh button that many times?!!). I’ve had... Continue reading
Posted Jun 28, 2011 at Champagne in one hand...
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