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Zach Wilcox
Zach is an Economic Researcher for the Centre for Cities, the UK's only think tank solely committed to improving the performance of UK cities
Recent Activity
Private sector wage growth was, in fact, skewed by record-low bonuses in the city. But, we both agree that as long as inflation is outstripping wage growth (be it ten times or two times), people are going to feel worse off economically. Negative average wage change (both nominal and real) is a very real issue in cities across the UK as well.
Can falling inflation deflate our fears about the economy?
More good news came through the presses this week. After last week’s reports that unemployment has fallen by 0.2 percent since the beginning of the year, we now know that inflation is falling as well. With the CPI now at 3 percent on the last 12 months, the costs of many goods is not growing as ...
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Jul 4, 2011
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