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Trying to explain the 2008 Financial Crisis is difficult so it will take a few posts to do so. The subject is complicated that covers many areas that are not very exciting. There are many good books and documentaries on this subject that provide greater detail and history. The goal... Continue reading
Posted Jan 31, 2012 at Moves a Nation
In the United States Veterans Day is celebrated every November 11th. This day every American regardless of political beliefs should make a point to thank a veteran. This world would be much different if Nazi Germany or Communist Soviet Union succeeded in the wars we fought with them. No war... Continue reading
Posted Nov 8, 2011 at Moves a Nation
Another presidential election cycle is ramping up that will certainly include raucous deliberation concerning the problems with the U.S. Social Security system. No different from many other issues of the day you will hear or read about a wide range of misconceptions, false information and fear mongering from all sides... Continue reading
Posted Oct 18, 2011 at Moves a Nation
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Sep 25, 2011