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Rev. Kelly Rivera Hart
San Francisco
The most profound thing you can do is be a friend.
Interests: “Just like me, this person is seeking some happiness for his/her life. Just like me, this person has known sadness, loneliness and despair. Just like me, this person is seeking to fulfill his her needs. And just like me, this person is learning about life." - a compassion meditation
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
-Mahatma Gandhi
From these two profound statements and the Golden Rule of all Paths I base my service to humanity for social justice for all of sentient beings and a friend and spiritual coach for all brothers and sisters in all their glorious fashions and paths. I dream of a world where the Beloved Community does exist and all people can live their lives free from hatred, hunger, discrimination, darkness and shame.
Recent Activity
Are You All You Can Be?
Hi there.. Are you living a life where you are all that you can be? Are you living where you can confidently say that you are fully self-expressed? What is in your way? What roadblocks are keeping you from attaining the life you say that you want? Some of us... Continue reading
Posted Sep 22, 2012 at Radical Spirit
Just let yourself be..
Just for a moment, be alone, wherever you are, and just be with yourself. You don't have to produce something. You don't have to attain anything. No work to be done. Just let yourself be.. Continue reading
Posted Sep 13, 2012 at Radical Spirit
I am in the moment now..
Just for a moment, I let go of the worries, the disappointments, the plans, the successes. I let go of the yesterday and I let go of the tomorrow. I am in this moment now. And nothing else exists. I breathe and am in this breath. And now I am... Continue reading
Posted Sep 13, 2012 at Radical Spirit
Think of nothing else..
Just for a moment.. take a slow breath in through your nose. Hold it a little. Breathe out slowly through your mouth. Do it again and focus on the air coming in, filling you, then leaving you. Think of nothing else. Focus on the breath. If other thoughts come up,... Continue reading
Posted Sep 13, 2012 at Radical Spirit
One breath at a time..
Just for a moment.. take a slow breath in through your nose. Hold it a little. Breathe out slowly through your mouth. Focus on the breathe. You are here, right here and right now. As you breathe out, let go of the regrets of the past. As you breathe out,... Continue reading
Posted Sep 13, 2012 at Radical Spirit
Let your self go..
Just for a moment sit and let go of all thoughts, all worries, all accomplishments. Breathe out everything you think of yourself, good and bad. Now breathe in focusing on this moment. Feel the air fill your lungs and diaphragm. Feel the connection to the earth below you and the... Continue reading
Posted Sep 13, 2012 at Radical Spirit
A Grounding Meditation
Just for a moment, sit comfortably in your chair, your feet flat on the floor, your back straight and your hands comfortably at your sides. Take a deep slow breathe through your nostrils, relaxing as you draw the air in. Hold it for a few seconds and then let it... Continue reading
Posted Sep 13, 2012 at Radical Spirit
The Political Act of Community Service
I'm sitting at my community center waiting for a meeting with a local Democratic Club. I've always been more inclined to be more personal and individual with my political views, showing support for a politician on my own. But this year, it's a very different ball game. We are looking... Continue reading
Posted Sep 10, 2012 at Radical Spirit
Sit And Do Nothing
For just a moment, sit and do nothing. For just a moment, listen to your breath. Let thoughts come and and go. Let sounds in and around you come and go. Just sit and relax and breathe. Be in this moment, fully in it and fully in your body instead... Continue reading
Posted Sep 10, 2012 at Radical Spirit
Let yourself be here in this moment..
For just a moment, sit and focus your breath. Let the outside sounds pass you by. Let the inside in your mind flow by like waves of a stream. Let yourself just be here, in this moment, in this breath.. Continue reading
Posted Sep 10, 2012 at Radical Spirit
You didn't get mad when...
Sharing something that was sent to me this morning. I hope you can read and pass it along.. F OR THOSE OF YOU WHO SEEM TO BE SO MAD AT OBAMA, FOR NO GOOD REASON, READ THIS AND REFLECT A MOMENT … THEN SAY TO YOURSELF: "Hmmmmmmmmmm...YOU ARE RIGHT!!!" Now,... Continue reading
Posted Sep 1, 2012 at Radical Spirit
Hate Ends With Me
Hi there I'm hearing this afternoon of yet another shooting into a crowd. This time it was into a group gathering for prayer at a Sikh Temple in Oak Creek, Wis. This is hardly a month since the horrible incident in Aurora, CO. where a gunman opened fire on a... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2012 at Radical Spirit
Keep Pressing On For Justice
Hi there.. Recently, there have been an upsurge in pastors that have used their position as spiritual leaders to denegrate another people. This is nothing new except that these pastors are calling for not only social but physical harm to a whole group of people. They are not only saying... Continue reading
Posted May 24, 2012 at Radical Spirit
7 Habits of People Who Achieve (and Keep) Their Ideal Weight
Hi there Here are 7 habits of people who achieve their ideal weight and keep it. These are good common sense habits that we all know but we don't all practice. I share this because a healthy mind, healthy spirit, healthy body are all interrelated. When our bodies are in... Continue reading
Posted May 2, 2012 at Radical Spirit
Strengthening Your Heart's Path
When starting on a journey, a hiker packs necessary items into his or her backpack that will make for a successful trip. There is the needed food supplies, whether it’s crunchy granola or health bars, this must be light but full of nutrition to sustain him or her. A big... Continue reading
Posted Apr 12, 2012 at Radical Spirit
Steppingstones of The Heart's Path
Today, I want to introduce you to a formal launching of my Spiritual Mentoring Ministry. I wish to invite each of you to come along this Heart's Path of Spiritual Rediscovery. It is not something new. Instead it is the bringing together of the basic teachings of Spiritual Traditions from... Continue reading
Posted Apr 11, 2012 at Radical Spirit
The Heart's Path
Hello There are many traditions and many interpretations but there is only one path. That is the path of spiritual evolution through the basic tenets of all the major Spiritual Traditions. There are many roadmaps in many languages and styles to be understood by many different peoples. But it is... Continue reading
Posted Apr 11, 2012 at Radical Spirit
Give And Receive
If you want to have good friends You first have to be a good friend If you want to have kindness shown to you You first have to show kindness to others If you want people to care about you You first must care about others If you want to... Continue reading
Posted Feb 14, 2012 at Radical Spirit
An Endless Circle
Life is like an endless circle Always reaching Always grabbing Always getting Then always learning to let go Life is like an endless circle Always growing, learning Expanding, loving Then letting go We are born wanting More touch, more love More attention, more milk We grow in need of more... Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2012 at Radical Spirit
9th Circuit Court to Announce Decision Any Day Now
Hi there I'm part of the group of community organizers putting together reponses up and down California to the 9th Circuit decision on Prop 8. I'll be at the morning vigil in front of the courthouse on 7th and Mission, hope to see you there. And I'm one of the... Continue reading
Posted Jan 9, 2012 at Radical Spirit
Wishing a Happy New Year to Everyone
With this wish, I send prayers and hopes of joy, p... Continue reading
Posted Dec 31, 2011 at Radical Spirit
Proceed Beyond
A saying of the Buddha's is "Tadyata gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha" (It is thus: proceed, proceed, proceed beyond, thoroughly proceed beyond, be founded in enlightenment). This is in reference to going through the five paths from our human nature to to our true spiritual nature. These paths are... Continue reading
Posted Dec 29, 2011 at Radical Spirit
Happy Hanukkah
Hi there and Happy Hanukkah to all who celebrate this holiday.. In 168 B.C.E. the Jewish Temple was seized by Syrian-Greek soldiers and dedicated to the worship of the god Zeus. This upset the Jewish people, but many were afraid to fight back for fear of reprisals. Then in 167... Continue reading
Posted Dec 20, 2011 at Radical Spirit
It Begins With Love
No, this is not a sentimental song or a sappy greeting card. This is what is needed to truthfully, effectively serve your community. It begins with love in your heart. It begins with love for humanity. It begins with love for justice. And it begins with understanding the Source of... Continue reading
Posted Dec 7, 2011 at Radical Spirit
The List
On this World AIDS Day, I thought I'd re-share The List. It's not the definitive list of people who have died of AIDS. It's hardly a drop in the bucket, but it's a drop that has affected so many of us who remain and miss our loved ones, children, lovers,... Continue reading
Posted Nov 30, 2011 at Radical Spirit
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