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Tania Voon
Professor, Melbourne Law School
Recent Activity
Thanks Rob. So interesting! I have looked at a few issues you mention with my co-authors Andrew Mitchell and James Munro - specifically, the offer to arbitrate and whether it can be removed, and what this means for pre-existing disputes (pre-existing claims being more straightforward, as you say). Perhaps you might also be interested in our discussion of survival clauses in this regard. I can email you the piece if you like. See also follow up
A Short Cut To Pulling Out of Investor-State Arbitration Under Treaties:Just Say No
Spring break is upon us at NYU and I'm making a big push to finish an essay on the design of a multilateral investment court along the lines of the initiative that Canada and the EU are now undertaking. One of the big transitional issues is this: since investor-state arbitration is likely to b...
Thanks Simon for the report. Very interesting.
I had thought it was fairly well accepted that the primary justification for AD was based on political economy (eg to allow agreement to other important obligations such as national treatment etc) rather than 'economic contribution' as quoted above.
And a bit odd to think of Panels/AB 'applying' but not 'interpreting' WTO law! (Even though the particular interpretations of the AB can be questioned - eg on zeroing/special standard of review as you mention.)
The Trump Administration, WTO Dispute Settlement Decisions, and Trade Remedies
If you are looking for indications as to how the Trump administration trade policy team might approach changes to WTO dispute settlement, this new report by Terry Stewart and Elizabeth Drake, entitled "How the WTO Undermines U.S. Trade Remedy Enforcement," might be a good place to start. This i...
Hi Simon, good questions. Seems to me that the whole point of the provision is to stop the issue going to a tribunal, so if the host State says it's a tobacco control measure then it is a tobacco control measure and the tribunal does not make a separate determination of that question. Similarly, the provision is meant to stop a tribunal looking at whether the measure discriminates etc, avoiding the US problem of clove cigarettes. So I would think it covers discriminatory measures too.
Does the TPP Tobacco Carveout Allow for Discriminatory Measures?
Recall that the TPP tobacco carveout says this: Article 29.5: Tobacco Control Measures12 A Party may elect to deny the benefits of Section B of Chapter 9 (Investment) with respect to claims challenging a tobacco control measure13 of the Party. Such a claim shall not be submitted to arbitration ...
I don't agree with the assumption that from a public health perspective a ban on cigarettes is necessarily better than plain packaging or that a ban will necessarily do more to reduce smoking than plain packaging. Remember prohibition?!
More on Registration and Use of Trademarks: All or Nothing
Yesterday I asked how a product ban compares with plain packaging, in terms of the impact on trademark rights. After conversations with several people who saw a distinction between a product ban and plain packaging with regard to trademark rights, I had some additional thoughts. It seems to me ...
For more on the international trade and investment law issues raised by plain packaging, excuse me for plugging our new book:
Use code VOON12 for a 35% discount until 31 Oct 2012!
Plain Packaging: The International Dispute Proceedings
As discussed in the last post, Australia successfully defended the domestic challenge to its plain packaging laws. So what are the prospects for the plain packaging complaints at the WTO and under the Australia-Hong Kong BIT? Some experts weigh in. At Lawyers Weekly, Andrew Mitchell says the W...
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Oct 16, 2011
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