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alena hennessy
Recent Activity
Traveling Light
Here are a handful of images from my travels overseas to Spain. I was attending a a residency of sorts working on a handful of projects and recharging my creative vessel under the glorious Sun. So much beauty (and unexpected blessings) came about before and after this trip. I wanted... Continue reading
Posted Jan 28, 2013 at *Abundant Wild Life*
Unwavering Samsara - Time to Awake
A few weeks ago I had what some may call a 'near-death experience.' Without getting into too much detail, I will say that I was rushed to the ER in an ambulance off the highway in what I heard was a four car pile-up. I was taken out of my... Continue reading
Posted Oct 30, 2012 at *Abundant Wild Life*
I love you too! xo
(instagram photo of an acorn spiral made by one of the Earth Art students at Squam) My week at Squam Art Workshops has come and gone. Like last year, it’s a time for me to peel away all the masks I hide behind and get in touch with my raw self. I’m definitely known to most as a city girl so ...
There is so much to love...
...and so much to explore. Spaces are filling up for my go-at-your-pace + share-what-you-like + live-your-best-most-fulfilled-life course. And there is so much we get to explore: from hand-lettering, to collage, to intentional/joyful expression, to simple herbal medicine/flower essence making techniques, to Reiki I demostrations, to simple self portrait making... oh... Continue reading
Posted Sep 20, 2012 at *Abundant Wild Life*
A Year of Beauty
Lately I've been reflecting on the richness and fullness of the year so far in terms of my creative life and work. When looking back, something that very much stands out to me is the work that my students created in my online course. It filled my being with delight... Continue reading
Posted Aug 14, 2012 at *Abundant Wild Life*
The Art of Letting Go & The Roots of Courage
The more I spend time with loved ones in my life, the more I realize how much transformation and awakening is happening within all of us. It feels like a quickening effect is happening on this divinely beautiful and intense Earth School. I have come to realize more and more... Continue reading
Posted Jul 17, 2012 at *Abundant Wild Life*
Exploring Color, Line, & Texture
In preparation for an upcoming show, I have been reflecting a bit on my own process of creating since I just spent a considerable amount of time teaching it to students. I have been contemplating why I choose the colors I choose, the textures, or draw lines the way I... Continue reading
Posted Jun 26, 2012 at *Abundant Wild Life*
Collaged on rain boots?! These answers are totally fabulous! I love this!
Create art on different surfaces with the book Cultivating Your Creative Life
I am a big fan of this concept from Alena Hennessy's new book Cultivating Your Creative Life: Exercises, Activities, and Inspiration for Finding Balance, Beauty, and Success as an Artist that encourages you to try making your art on different surfaces. I especially like to use clothing as my can...
Transformation on the Lake
I recently returned from an almost a week-long trip in New England, where I was staying cabinside-lakeside at Squam, a gorgeous art retreat that attracts people from all over the country. This trip was particularly significant for me because I was giving my first book talk, to possibly over 200... Continue reading
Posted Jun 13, 2012 at *Abundant Wild Life*
Supported Abundance
"Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames." ~Rumi Two recent paintings I created inspired by my students. These will be covered with resin and shown in an upcoming exhibit next week. The final week of my online course is afoot, and I must say I am... Continue reading
Posted May 22, 2012 at *Abundant Wild Life*
Brimmin' over + gettin' wild. So thrilled to share this with you.
Wow, what a journey this has been! For the last six months or so I have been putting my heart + soul into this project. I have taken things that have helped shape me and my art and put them into an online course. We will dive deep into many... Continue reading
Posted Mar 9, 2012 at *Abundant Wild Life*
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Oct 20, 2011
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