This is Prajnatara (Prajna)'s Typepad Profile.
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Prajnatara (Prajna)
London, Ontario Canada
Minister, Order of Amida Buddha
Recent Activity
Prajnatara (Prajna) is now following Jnanamati
Dec 26, 2011
Hi Jnanamati,
Good to read your blogs and to get a sense of your world, inside and out. Christmas blessings to you. You are in my thoughts.
Christmas Day
A wonderful relaxed day writing emails and messages to loved ones - family and friends, and reflecting on all the remarkable relationships I have developed over this last year. Whilst in reality I have spent the whole day mostly alone my environment has been crowded with many of those people pre...
Prajnatara (Prajna) is now following sujatin
Jul 10, 2011
Prajnatara (Prajna) is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 10, 2011
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