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The key to successful stranded color work is getting the floats to be just the right length. Continue reading
Posted Jan 27, 2014 at Maureenie Makes Things
Hi Marty, Here are some ideas for the embellished bag project. I thought this might be the easiest way to get the information to you. No pesky servers complaining about file sizes, e-mails that won't let me put pictures where I want, etc. Given my lack of self promotion, very... Continue reading
Posted Sep 24, 2013 at Maureenie Makes Things
Type in a city or zip code, and it finds all the yarn shops nearby. You can filter your search by proximity/distance, whether it's open now, has seating, wifi, etc. It also works on my iPhone , where there's an option to click "near me." Perfect for travel! The... Continue reading
Posted Aug 30, 2012 at Maureenie Makes Things
In my studio are no less than half a dozen different sewing machines. Each one does something really well. One is fast, one has more space for quilts, one does computerized embroidery, one is portable, one I refer to as my Very Expensive Buttonhole Maker, and so the list goes.... Continue reading
Posted Aug 19, 2012 at Maureenie Makes Things
We're told that girls are supposed to be better with words than they are with numbers, and sure, maybe there are indeed statistics that support that. I believe nevertheless that there are lots of females for whom that is not the case. Spread out as a significant yet unorganized minority,... Continue reading
Posted Jul 16, 2012 at Maureenie Makes Things
When last we left our heroine (which would be me, fearlessly embroidering on knitted goods), Continue reading
Posted Apr 10, 2012 at Maureenie Makes Things
The embroidery is growing on me, can't decide whether I'm happy with the "roof tiles" section. Maureen don't wait for people to be kind; show them how. Continue reading
Posted Mar 29, 2012 at Maureenie Makes Things
Another place to hit while out and about: Bokja Design, headquartered in Beirut, Lebanon with locations in various other places. These make my heart beat faster! (And provide inspiration for knitting and quilting. Of course.) Maureen It's really hard to have too much color. Continue reading
Posted Mar 26, 2012 at Maureenie Makes Things
I remember shopping with my mom and grandma and going to places that looked like this. I can't tell you now where they were. I doubt they are still there. I know for sure that I didn't appreciate them in the way that they deserved. But enough melancholy: evidently such... Continue reading
Posted Mar 25, 2012 at Maureenie Makes Things
I haven't been this tickled by a new find in a while. The pics speak for themselves. Enjoy! Maureen take delight in simple things. or in complex things if it suits you. just take delight whenever you can. Continue reading
Reblogged Mar 22, 2012 at Maureenie Makes Things
For inspiration in the how-to-photograph-your-knits department, a friend suggested that I look at a blog called Man Shops Globe and at the Anthropologie catalogue . The Sundance page (evidently it's not just a blog but an entire series!) contained a bit about temples in Thailand, and one of them had... Continue reading
Posted Mar 20, 2012 at Maureenie Makes Things
Some say that you shouldn't reveal your process. Me, I think it makes for some of the most interesting reading. Nothing heavy or terribly insightful here today, but I got a kick out of seeing what a big role the flowers centers had in the overall appearance of the hat.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 19, 2012 at Maureenie Makes Things
I've been playing around with embroidering and appliqueing on my knitted goods lately. The more I do it, the more ideas I get. My journal is bursting with ideas and I can't make them fast enough. And right in the midst of it, under the heading of I-am-just-one-of-the-luckiest-people-I-know, Sue Spargo... Continue reading
Posted Mar 17, 2012 at Maureenie Makes Things
A friend approaches: "I have something to ask. It's okay to say no." Wow, this sounds serious. I am feeling really pressed for time these days. Remind myself that she and her husband have been truly good and kind to me. I am going to look for a way to... Continue reading
Posted Mar 16, 2012 at Maureenie Makes Things
I love the why-didn't-I-think-of-that? feeling. It kinda tickles. Two lovely tips crossed my path recently. 1. Joining a new yarn with a double knot. It's simple and quick and works really well when you're continuing with the same color yarn. If you're doing stripes and need your change to occur... Continue reading
Posted Feb 29, 2012 at Maureenie Makes Things
I love scrap quilts. Different fabrics from different sources collected over time. When they come together, they're not perfectly matched. Well chosen, though, the eye averages them and sees colors that might not even make an individual appearance. Put the right ones next to each other and they sparkle. The... Continue reading
Posted Feb 27, 2012 at Maureenie Makes Things
Maureen is now following rosiepink
Feb 26, 2012
Once upon a time, in a pre-Eucalan world, tired of rinsing and rinsing and rinsing, and hating the huge mountain of wet towels generated because you're not supposed to wring out wet wool, I did an experiment. I put a small wool goody in the washing machine, turned it on... Continue reading
Reblogged Jan 29, 2012 at Maureenie Makes Things
Once upon a time I attended a weaving open house. I watched her dress the loom and decided right then and there that weaving, with all its glorious potential for combination of colors and generation of pattern,was a creative cold that I wasn't going to catch. Nope, that was one... Continue reading
Posted Jan 15, 2012 at Maureenie Makes Things
In a fortuitous, made-for-TV moment, I got solid intel that one of my gifts was not going to be a good match for the recipient. It threw a small monkey wrench into the production schedule, but that's okay. I like to make things. Now I have an extra hat that... Continue reading
Posted Dec 29, 2011 at Maureenie Makes Things
Sometimes it's giant happy sculpture: Yayoi Kusama's sculpture on view in Paris, courtesy of Art Daily Newsletter. I want to knit this! No, not a 3-D knitted thing. Amigurumi isn't where my focus is. The colors, the scale, the pattern all beg to be worked into some stranded color work.... Continue reading
Posted Dec 27, 2011 at Maureenie Makes Things
It's not really all that cold out (even by my own weather wimpish standards), but I had to wear it! Here it is being modelled by Maggie: Maureen Life is meant to be enjoyed. Continue reading
Posted Dec 20, 2011 at Maureenie Makes Things
These, for example. I love how they turned out. The colors, the texture, aaaah. The pattern is from Beverly Galesksas' Felted Knits, with a few adjustments (as in, I skipped the short rows and simply knitted 29 rows after the thumb join, then decreased for the top). And of course... Continue reading
Posted Dec 19, 2011 at Maureenie Makes Things
Yes, 'til still the season. But sometimes one wakes up with an idea that won't go away. So I picked up the yarn "just in case" there came a moment when I didn't have a present ready to work on. You know, a moment when none of the eight or... Continue reading
Posted Dec 15, 2011 at Maureenie Makes Things
Project #1: Neckie and fingerless mitts. I grabbed a couple skeins of luscious, chunky baby alpaca, color appropriate for a gorgeous friend, and knitted these up in a flash. Watching them come to life, I realized that I couldn't just give them to her... all ... just ... plain blue.... Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2011 at Maureenie Makes Things