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Louis Sena
Recent Activity
New Season of Arrested Development to be Released Directly on Netflix.
Fox television show, Arrested Development ran from 2003 to 2006, and released only three seasons before being canceled. Since its cancellation, a massively large cult following began to grow. After it's cancellation, many rumours arroused, ranging from a "secret" new season being developed, to a major motion picture being developed. Recently, the rumour of a new season being released has come true. Season 4 of Arrested Development will be released directly on Netflix, without being aired on television. Reportedly, all ten episodes are to be released at once. This seems to be conducive to the viewing nature of Netflix; people... Continue reading
Posted Apr 30, 2012 at Global Media News
Is Wearable Computing the Future?
Recently, Google has come forward with an exciting new venture they call Project Glass. While the project exploded when Google recently released a concept video of how the "Google goggles" might possibly work, New York Times reported back in February (despite lack of comment from a Google spokesperson) that Google was set to begin selling the revolutionary new headgear by the end of 2012. Gaming Industry giant, Valve Software has recently caused quite a stir in gaming news by posting job listings for hardware engineers, stating that they are looking for individuals experienced in Hardware design, prototyping, testing, and production... Continue reading
Posted Apr 16, 2012 at Global Media News
Nintendo's "Wii U" May Change The Face of Gaming.
Nintendo's upcoming home video game console, under its working name, "Wii U", may have a large impact on future generations of gaming. This is mainly due to the fact that it will be including a tablet device as a controller. The idea of a tablet controller is revolutionary; games will be enhanced and played in a way they have never been before. While the Wii U's release date has been set at November 18th, 2012, much of the information about the system is speculation by fans. The biggest detail released directly from Nintendo is the fact that the Wii U... Continue reading
Posted Apr 9, 2012 at Global Media News
Cartoon Network using social media to find out what its fans want
Cartoon Network's night-time television block, Adult Swim has recently called out to its fans by way of its Twitter account. The tweet in question pertains to a large and growing cult following of fans voicing a desire for the cable network to bring back Toonami, a programming block which ran from 1997 to 2008 and featured mainly Japanese anime styled action shows. Adult Swim is encouraging its followers to tweet #BringBackToonami to show their support for the re-running (and possibly even re-packaging) of this programming block. This single tweet has already sparked large amounts of discussion on 4Chan's popular image... Continue reading
Posted Apr 3, 2012 at Global Media News
Comedians begin selling their comedy albums on their personal websites, part of proceeds donated to charity
Louis C.K., a popular stand-up comedian began selling his comedy album on his website for just $5, while donating a portion of his profit to charity. This album does not come with any type of Digital Rights Management or electronic copy protection whatsoever. Many people speculated that this may not go over well for the comedian; a single person can purchase the CD and copy it as many times as he wants to give out for free. This was not the case, however, as Louis C.K.'s endeavor was a huge commercial success. Not only was the comedian successful with his... Continue reading
Posted Mar 27, 2012 at Global Media News
Nickelodeon Finds Success in Bringing Back 90's Shows
Nickelodeon has recently found huge success in broadcasting canceled shows from the 90's on their channel, TeenNick. In just the first night they had more than doubled their ratings from the night before. According to the Vulture, " Last week, a repeat of Malcolm in the Middle on Teen Nick drew just 33,000 folks under 34. But Monday night, an episode of All That brought in 265,000 nostalgists. Likewise, an Undeclaredrerun brought a mere 3,000 viewers 18–34 when it aired at 1 a.m. a few weeks back; Clarissa attracted 189,000 folks in the same demo, around 60 times as many... Continue reading
Posted Mar 13, 2012 at Global Media News
WikiLeaks informant from U.S. Army nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
A private in the U.S. army by the name of Bradley Manning has recently been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. Manning has turned over countless U.S. documents pertaining to U.S. operations in Iraq to WikiLeaks, and has even come forward with footage of U.S. troops killing a journalist in Iraq. Although Manning had been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, he is not yet in the clear for his whistleblowing. According to the New Jersey Newsroom, "The state will push 22 charges against Manning, including: aiding the enemy, wrongfully causing intelligence to be published on the Internet, knowing of... Continue reading
Posted Feb 28, 2012 at Global Media News
"Gorillaz" Won't Let Glee Cover Their Music
The lead singer of Gorillaz, a band composed entirely of fictional characters played by real musicians, has publicly stated via Billboard that they have neither have interest in, nor would they let the popular show "Glee" cover any of their songs. ""We wouldn't let that happen," Albarn said in an interview with the Associated Press last week. "And not that they've asked us because they haven't, and now they definitely won't," he continued with a laugh." Albarn even went so far as to slam Glee, and shows similar to it in an interview on Q TV, stating that they should... Continue reading
Posted Feb 13, 2012 at Global Media News
Reddit: A New Form of Social Media
The social media outlet has become increasingly popular in the past few months. Reddit has been used in many ways; as a forum for users to discuss common interests, politics, etc., as a means for users protest acts such as SOPA and PIPA, or even merely a place for people to share cute pictures of cats. Reddit is split up into what are known as "subreddits." If a user wants to post funny content, he would post to If a user wants to post content related to video gaming, he would post it to If a user... Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2012 at Global Media News
Does Spongebob cause ADHD?
Is it possible that something as simple as a cartoon show can be causing ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) in children? According to a recent study, Spongebob may be doing just that. Roni Rabin of New York Times described the experiment as follows; The study, which appeared in the Sept. 12 issue of the journal Pediatrics, involved 60 children whose parents reported similar levels of television-watching and attention skills. The children were randomly assigned to one of three groups: one watched nine minutes of the cartoon, another viewed nine minutes of the educational program “Caillou,” and the remaining group spent... Continue reading
Posted Jan 30, 2012 at Global Media News
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Jan 26, 2012
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