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K. Mensah
Recent Activity
According to the NYTimes, people will now have to know what they are getting in to when they purchase an E-book reader. Many people who buy E-book readers are unaware that when they purchase a book from a company, they are committing to that company's choice of books for as long as they have that e-book reader. That is because people are unaware that the book formats of the different E-books are not compatible with each other. In other words, it is not possible to read a Kindle book on a Nook or a Nook book on a Sony Reader.... Continue reading
Posted Apr 30, 2012 at Global Media News
According to Huffington Post, a German court is accusing youtube of having copyright infringement and is totally responsible for it. On Friday, it was ruled that youtube install filters to prevent users from uploading music videos that belong to the German industry music group (GEMA). For allowing users to upload the videos and songs, youtube may be required to pay for all the clips uploaded. According to the Washington Post, youtube claims that it does not control what users upload and that the ruling for filters will slow down the rate of users uploading videos to the site since every... Continue reading
Posted Apr 23, 2012 at Global Media News
On Monday, the world's largest social network, Facebook, claims it has agreed to buy Instagram. For those who do not know Instagram, it is a very popular mobile photo sharing service used by many people. It is to persuade more people to be attached to smartphones and tablets which are able to acquire these applications. It was mainly for iPhone users but recently joined the Android market. According to the New York Times, Mark Zuckerberg, the chief executive of Facebook, states "For years, we’ve focused on building the best experience for sharing photos with your friends and family, now, we’ll... Continue reading
Posted Apr 9, 2012 at Global Media News
Angry Birds is supposed to branch out in to an animated series, game designers Rovio confirmed. The plan is to start a run of fifty two episodes starring Angry Birds, brought to you by Disney. According to The Telegraph, each cartoon will be two to three minutes. Nick Dorra, the head of Rovio's animation, states "We're going to roll it out on all possible devices, we want to be on all screens." This very popular game of aiming destructive birds at pigs has been downloaded over 700 million times. The game is being played by over 30 million people and... Continue reading
Posted Apr 2, 2012 at Global Media News
According to the Los Angeles Times, microsoft released an interesting statement about Xbox. Microsoft stated that entertainment usage on an Xbox is not mostly for gaming online but, for movies and shows. Even when Xbox live users are now spending thirty percent more time than they did last year. To be specific, that is eighty four more hours of sitting in front of the Xbox. On Tuesday, the Washington Post stated Microsoft has added HBO Go, Xfinity, Comcast and MLB.TV to Xbox's video services and most definitely expects to rise in number. All of the shows that are available on... Continue reading
Posted Apr 2, 2012 at Global Media News
Timothy D. Cook, the chief executive of Apple has made an agreeable prediction. He predicts there will be a day where the ipad, as well as other devices similar to it, will outsell the personal computers. He also, claims that the day will be approaching pretty soon.The growing rates of ipads and its competition like Amazon, Microsoft, and the Kindle makes the executive almost certain that judgement day will be arriving fast. The sales of tablets are about to skyrocket since the new version of the ipad will be premiering. This new version will have a higher resolution screen than... Continue reading
Posted Mar 5, 2012 at Global Media News
Now it is only a coincidence that "flix" is in the name "Netflix" because Netflix is becoming more of an internet streaming service for television shows. It used to be mainly for people to watch movies, but not anymore. The amount of television shows are now more than half of what is on the website. Part of the reason why is because some movies will be removed in a few days. The movies that will be removed are from the company Starz and it included classics like "Scarface" and "Toy Story 3". Starz helped Netflix gain millions of people to... Continue reading
Posted Feb 27, 2012 at Global Media News
According to BBC news, a record company has been targeted after Whitney Houston's album price skyrocketed hours after she had been pronounced dead. Houston's "The Ultimate Collection", was the second top-selling album on itunes Monday morning. Originally, "The Ultimate Collection" came out in 1997 and of course it was record breaking. After her death, it was expected that her album to top various charts again and probably pass her own records. A similar outcome occurred after music legends like Michael Jackson and Amy Winehouse died. Of course a certain company tried to use this to their advantage. According to The... Continue reading
Posted Feb 22, 2012 at Global Media News
The fifty fourth Grammy Awards took place last night and it was in the spiritual presence of musical icon Whitney Houston. The musical guests dedicated many tributes to the great Houston during there celebrations of winning awards and performances. One of the most meaningful performances was Jennifer Hudson's. Houston's shocking death brought grief, appreciation, and gratefulness to one of the biggest nights and musical award shows for hard working artists. Although her death brought a lot of negative energy, everyone knew the show had to go on. They used the Grammys as an advantage to memorialize a great woman who... Continue reading
Posted Feb 13, 2012 at Global Media News
Don Cornelius was known for hosting a very popular dance show called "Soul Train" that spread the music and culture of black people. He brought legendary guests to the show such as James Brown, Aretha Franklin, Marvin Gaye, and Michael Jackson. On February 1, the smooth talking host was found dead at 75 with what seemed as suicide.Police officers found Mr. Cornelius dead with a gunshot wound to the head."It appeared to have been self-inflicted," said Ed Winter, the Los Angeles County assistant chief coroner. According to the New York Times, Soul Train created an opening for black artists and... Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2012 at Global Media News
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Jan 24, 2012