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Kyle Forrest
From Houston, TX, living in Los Angeles, CA
Rice '08, Deloitte Consulting Human Capital, UCLA Anderson MBA '14.
Interests: Physical fitness, running, sports, travel, food and drinks, reading
Recent Activity
Kyle Forrest
Cell: 281-727-8256
Sent from my iPhone
The Housing Search That Wasn't (Thanks to Social Media)
For those of you who have moved past the casual MBA program search into more in-depth research, you may have been as surprised as I was at how active most programs are on various social media platforms. I'm a pretty active Facebook user due to being at Rice University when Facebook was only avai...
Sweet photos, trip looked and sounded awesome
What happens in Yosemite stays in Yosemite
When the pre-orientation trips were announced several months ago my eyes skimmed down the list of destinations to where the difficulty level read 4 (out of 4) and the duration read 5 days (the longest trip available). In short, hiking the Hetch Hetchy reservoir in Yosemite was a badass trip for ...
Instantly coolest post due to your action photo!
The Startup of Me
A few weeks ago, I wrote about my Pre-MBA summer reading list which included The Startup of You--mandatory reading for incoming Anderson students. Well, I just finished that book, which makes this a good time to tackle a topic that's been on my mind a lot lately: the MBA career search. Now if yo...
We'll continue the shape up process once you're out here... I'm still working on it myself!
Making the leap, saying goodbye again and shaping up (?)
That's it tomorrow I'm flying out to LA, well not quite but slowly taking a step in that direction. I arrived in London from Brussels this afternoon and am flying out to Washington DC tomorrow morning. An undergrad friend of mine is working in the White House and offered to show me around the We...
That poster is amazing.
Eternal optimism?
Before you send in your MBA applications it is generally accepted that you’ll know something about the schools you’re applying to. You do the research, visit the campus and create criteria for yourself on what is best suited for you and your future. Then you send the applications off and there’s...
Thanks Alessandra! This is my first time blogging ever so glad it's turning out ok :)
The Housing Search That Wasn't (Thanks to Social Media)
For those of you who have moved past the casual MBA program search into more in-depth research, you may have been as surprised as I was at how active most programs are on various social media platforms. I'm a pretty active Facebook user due to being at Rice University when Facebook was only avai...
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Jul 12, 2012
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