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sewing susan
seattle, washington
you will find me stitching, in my garden or teaching kindergarten
Interests: all things nature, dyeing cloth and thread, books, skiing, biking, word and math puzzles
Recent Activity
Whether it is over and over or not I love your little cloths and the stitches you put on them. And the combination of colors you choose are so pleasing to the eye. I am preparing for a trip to England that is devoted entirely to British embroidery. I am excited and scared because I have not traveled very much. I hope that we could find a time to get together after I return in late October. I would like that.
some thinkings
Wondered to myself this morning, and then a little with Grace this eve, about how it seems the same stars, moon, water, birds keep getting stitched. Mostly on the same cloths. The same blues. She said, "It's our theme...these over and overs. We need, NEED to repeat until we feel th...
You are amazing Cindy with both your thoughts and your stitching!
with the hope of always becoming
Jude had commented "becoming" on this piece. I've been playing around with the word ever since. Loving that it means more than one thing, adjective and noun, and that both things apply to the story of it. It's still becoming . . . Becoming- "any process of change." More becoming...
I am niot much for publications either but the intention of this magazine touched a place in me.
September cloth
We are busy adjusting to the new and unexpected chill. Imagining how it might go this winter. Some days now taken out to get the garden ready for sleeping. I hear we might be in for early snow. Still no walnuts. I don't need to dye any cloth really. There is plenty here. I am consid...
Love the spider cloth. We have abundant spiders as well though they are only putting a small dent into the fruit fly population. :)
thanks for the link to "inspirational" it looks fascinating. Hurray for you for being included!
September cloth
We are busy adjusting to the new and unexpected chill. Imagining how it might go this winter. Some days now taken out to get the garden ready for sleeping. I hear we might be in for early snow. Still no walnuts. I don't need to dye any cloth really. There is plenty here. I am consid...
Glad your new job is going well. Also thanks for reminding me that even a small chunk of stitching can help to feel grounded. Haven't been able to make it happen with caring for my grandson and helping school get started. But boy do I need it. Thanks!
There were two half hours, yesterday and today, of calm peaceful stitching. The first since school started. Also, a realization of how important blocks of focused time are. Chunks of time with no to-do lists running through the mind, or wondering how many minutes until it's time to go? ...
Your words are a gift that touch and nudge us in important deep places that begin the conversation here.. Which then has a life of its own in its going. Words like light heart, laughter, patience, sense of selves, going is learning. I am grateful that Jude you take the risk to put the words down and to everyone that adds their words. It nudges and enlarges my going, my learning. I am incredibly grateful for all of it!
Time Can Fly
2009. I started this in 2009! More amazing is that some of you were traveling companions (thank you!) way back then as well. And now, after considering weave, I am back to REconsidering some old idea about weaving and sewing. If time Can fly, best to learn to do the same. Got some new wi...
What a beautiful quote Deb!
Thanks for sharing it with me
Good luck getting those 20 rows done.
working on whole
This time of year is always very busy for me at work. So the week has mostly been about work... Poor sad Briar. Briar is part lab and part basset hound. The basset hound is mostly evident in her body type, the lab in her head shape, coloring and tail. For some reason I see basset hound in h...
I agree!
In August. post # 2973!
In August, He split the rest of the wood from the big tree falls during hurricane Sandy. And He also replaced a drafty window, so we might live in 2 rooms this winter. We talked that over. One was not enough. Her face finally fell off. My toenail fell off but I will spare you the picture. In...
You are such a poet Jude,!
Thanks it was a beautiful way to wake up!
Considering season
It's almost a relief to find life unraveling. On this late summer morning that carries just enough chilled wind to quicken the heart. It sings to me in soothing tone. Like a silent wave. We are all tired now. It is time to rest. I cannot help but notice this as a weaving coming undone. ...
I love the colors and the texture of the first picture.
I do not believe I will ever tire of making stars, had to make myself stop. Finishing up the back, the cover, of the "a cup of sea" booklet. Still not sure how it will become a booklet in the end, but something will happen, it always does.
My Art Exhibition
It has been almost 2 years since I last posted. Life has a way of taking over. My beloved grandson Elliott was born in March 2013. I waited a long time for him to come along and I am lucky I get to see him almost everyday. In June I... Continue reading
Posted Aug 12, 2014 at time for thread
There Is A Story
Being inspired by Jude I've been working on small pieces all fall. They are "my size job" at this point because starting school is always so time consuming. So working small makes it possible for me to find a few moments here and there to stitch. These pieces eventually will... Continue reading
Posted Nov 30, 2012 at time for thread
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