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V. Brigante
Recent Activity
The Occupy Wall Street movement, which made its mark last year, has announced its return. "The Occupy Movement has called for A Day Without the 99% on May 1st, 2012," a statement said, referring to a slogan that the classifys the financially well-off 1% in power vs the 'powerless' 99%. It has been said that the true challenge of OWS second run will be staying relevant. The people of OWS say that they want to throw things off, cause change- an article in shared this: “We call upon people to refrain from shopping, walk out of class, take the... Continue reading
Posted Apr 30, 2012 at Global Media News
It seems that recently Craigslist founder, Craig Newmark, has been testing the waters with social media. Newmark will donate 1$ to the National Wildlife Federation anytime the hashtag '#squirrels4good' appears on his Twitter feed or Facebook. In an article in Yahoo! News the founder stated: "In the short term, I'm learning how to use social media to support the stuff I believe in," Newmark told Mashable in an email. "I do most of my work in my home office, where frequent visitors remind me of a growing love of the natural world. Beyond that, I need to learn social media... Continue reading
Posted Apr 23, 2012 at Global Media News
Deceased (or allegedly so) rapper Tupac made his return the other day at the Coachella festival. But, how is this possible if the rapper had passed away in 1996? The Rolling Stone says that with a whole lot of money, a little help from a company called 'AV Concepts' and Digital Domain, and an idea bought about by Dr. Dre, the rapper made his debut back on stage.... as a hologram. In a MTV article, Smith, owner of AV concepts says it was all Dr. Dre: We worked with Dr. Dre on this and it was Dre's vision to bring... Continue reading
Posted Apr 16, 2012 at Global Media News
Apparently absence made the audience grow a little more fond of the long awaited new season of AMC's 'Mad Men'. According to The New York Times the new seasons debut episode bought in it's largest audience ever. After a long awaited year and a half the viewings reached 3.5 million. In a yahoo article it says that this high amount of watchers is a 21% growth over the seasons past 4 seasons. Although at an all time high, unfortunately, the viewings didn't top the whopping 9 million viewers of the show, The Walking Dead. Regardless, still pretty successful I'd say.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 26, 2012 at Global Media News
On Saturday March 3rd, rap group Cypress Hill held their annual 'SmokeOut' event. The event is partially a festival, and partially a movement. A few days before the event, some members of Cypress Hill attended a march in L.A., in which they protested the crackdown of marijuana dispensaries in California, the dispensaries being recently stated to be illegal on a federal level, and marched from town hall to the federal building a few blocks away. Not surprisingly the march started at 4:20 pm, and according to The Huffington Post the LAPD weren't too aware of the situation. 'This is the... Continue reading
Posted Mar 5, 2012 at Global Media News
We all know him- from Sean Combs, to Puffy, to P. Diddy- the artist has been all over the media whether it be in movies, through his music, or as a producer. This time the baller has a something new up his sleeve- a t.v channel. According to The New York Times Sean Combs revealed the show will be called 'Revolt'. The show is supposed to be based of 'nonstop chatter of social networking Web sites'. Again, according to The New York Times: Mr. Combs’s plans for Revolt were first reported by Broadcasting & Cable magazine last month. When interviewed... Continue reading
Posted Feb 20, 2012 at Global Media News
So how old before you can start to put your babys name on things? For mega celebs Beyonce, and Jay-Z its about 1 month. According to The Rolling Stone Magazine the superstar couple filed in the U.S Patent and Trademark office to claim benefits on their one month old daughters name, Blue Ivy Carter. The baby was born on January 7th 2012, and immediately claims were filed for rights to the name. Designer Joe Mbeh sent a request for "Blue Ivy Carter NYC" but was denied. When denied the designer was recorded saying it was ' A big misunderstanding! He... Continue reading
Posted Feb 13, 2012 at Global Media News
In a June 2011 issue of Rolling Stone Magazine, there was quite an interesting article published. Rapper Vanilla Ice proposed an interesting offer: "The Vanilla Ice Project- Learn to Make Money in Real Estate". Although you won’t catch him singing the catchy tune “Ice Ice Baby” on the home-improvement show, you will get to see the rapper in action as he rips up tired landscaping, puts in new flooring, and completely redoes the mansion in style. Rappers real name, Rob Matthew Van Winkle, has over a decades worth of experience in renovating and decorating. On his show 'The Vanilla Ice... Continue reading
Posted Jan 30, 2012 at Global Media News
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Jan 26, 2012