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Sue Barrett
Interests: Colored pencil, watercolor, printmaking, encaustics, sketchbook journaling, My family and my cat KOKO
Recent Activity
Yesterday I took an abstract monotype and pulled an elephant out of it! I had it propped up where I could see it every time I walked by it, and I swear this elephant just emerged. So I covered the abstract with wax and fused it to an old encaustic... Continue reading
Latest from this weeks batch of prints. I think the color is so much more vibrant on the Terraskin paper. Will be using this more! Continue reading
First prints from my new collagraphs to be printed. Did more yesterday that are still drying. I think I like them better. This first was just on newsprint, not really a print all. The second was a ghost print on Lenox. I ran it through the press with the collagraph... Continue reading
My latest folded journal, made with fabric and coated with wax. This one is much sturdier, almost like leather. Now to get back to the business of printmaking-class begins in 2 days! Continue reading
Final journal. I think the mat medium works the best. The encaustic was just a little too heavy and the acrylic spray too light. Still a lot of work for the outcome. Interesting experiment. Continue reading
I have finished two of the newspaper journals. The first is done with encaustic wax and the second with spray on acrylic finish. The wax is definitely sturdier, I've already gotten a small tear in the acrylic one. The pages are accordion folded tucked into the inside of the cover.... Continue reading
I haven't posted in a few days but have some WIPs (works in progress). The first is a series of 3, newspaper with acrylic and stamped images. If they ever dry I am going to experiment with acrylic spray, encaustic, acrylic medium. Then using origami I will fold them into... Continue reading
So back to this piece again. I was not happy with it (see previous post). I came across these embossing powders at AC Moore and decided to try the bronze. I like the way it looks with the green and how it emphasizes the embossing. Continue reading
I found this piece which was one of my first collagraphs made with joint compound. I liked the piece but not the colors so started added some paint sticks. It's still not finished. Guess I'll just keep adding paint until I find what I like. Also had a what if... Continue reading
I'm reading this great book by Samantha Bennett called 'Get It Done'. In she talks about unfinished projects. She says if you want to make an artist feel bad just ask them about their unfinished projects. Her theory is that 'completion is overrated'. But she also said that sometimes it's... Continue reading
Sometimes an artist has to use their creativity in cleaning and organizing. I had paper stacked wily-nily on top of my files and it was driving me crazy. Now a sense of calm and order has returned to the studio! Some people can create in the middle of chaos but... Continue reading
Here's a example of a "what if" that didn't work. I saw this piece in a journaling magazine about Transfer Artist Paper". It showed how you could transfer a photo onto an encaustic surface. I had this old photo of my Mother holding me and I thought I would try... Continue reading
I couldn't wait to see if these collagraphs would work so I printed them by hand which isn't optimal but gives me an idea. I think the first is the best. This is the one I did with the spackling compound. The second has potential and will probably look much... Continue reading
Finally got around to vacuuming the basement and now all is set up again for printmaking. Will open up on Friday's for friends who want to come by and "ink". Continue reading
Today I'm working on a new collagraph. I first laid down a layer joint compound and made the 'swirls' with a handy little pottery making tool. After that was thoroughly dry I put down a layer of wax. Then I used my handy-dandy Purple Cow calligraphy tool to add dots... Continue reading
It's official, I have registered for the 9th International Encaustic Conference in Provincetown, MA in June! So excited, so many great names and all sorts of cutting edge workshops. I'm especially looking forward to meeting Dorothy Cochran (, who will be doing a demo on encaustic collagraphs. Even though I've... Continue reading
So, it's that time of year again when we start thinking about New Year resolutions. And since I have been very remiss in my vow to blog regularly I thought this was a good time to make another resolution. This year has been a great year for my artistic growth!... Continue reading
It's not that I haven't been creating, I have been creating a lot if mostly bad art trying to learn this process. On the positive side I am enjoying encaustics immensely and am allowing myself to play! Continue reading
This is a pastel I did back in 1988. It's of some land I own in New Mexico. I gave it to my son Mike years ago as they have always loved NM. Always surprised me when i see old work of mine. Not halfbad. Continue reading
Playing around at home with some encaustic and a stencil I got at the $ store. Green over yellow with a fake chop! Continue reading
Another fantastic encaustic workshop, this time at the Visual Arts Center with Lynda Ray. I learned so much but even better had a wonderful day! I am so in love with this medium! Continue reading
I'm supposed to be cleaning my studio but just like a kid cleaning their room, I'm easily distracted. Or maybe it's because it's 90 and I don't have my a/c's in yet. Found this encaustic and decided to rework it. Now back to work! rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 .HelveticaNeueInterface-Regular;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green0\blue0;} \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\partightenfactor0... Continue reading
A few sketches from my visit here on the Cape. Haven't done any sketching months as you can tell. I need to loosen up a little. Continue reading
Updated version of my latest venture. Removed a lot if extraneous bits. But still a work in progress. Now finishing up the matting an framing on my triptych before shopping off to the Providence Art Club's Nationwide All Media show. Continue reading
A little diversion from my usual. Sam wanted a collage for his birthday so I've made some Lego characters from Chimeo (?spelling) and super imposed them on the encaustic jungle. I'll let you know what the verdict is. Continue reading