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Delaware Girl Eats
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I think food memories are the best ones of all!
Simona Im sure you have such memories too. It's not just the dish, it's the pleasure of remembering mm when I make it. Plus folks really seem to like the crispiness and flavors.
Cooking with my mother in her kitchen was among the best activities of my childhood. As her helper, I got to participate by measuring mostly, then graduating to mixing and churning ingredients in bowls and pans. The biggest thing, and most childhood helpers would probably agree, was observing how mom prepared the family dishes and having that ingrained in memory. Later in life as a college student and an adult, we would sit down together as she prepared a dish and write down ingredient amounts, preparation tips and other advice for making a particular dish. I took notes and eventually... Continue reading
Posted Mar 3, 2024 at Delaware Girl Eats
Glad you enoy -- I always love making risotto in cold weather
Toggle Commented Feb 11, 2024 on Mushroom Risotto with Peas at Delaware Girl Eats
Look forward to seeing your risotto recipe! Looking forward to the roundup
Toggle Commented Feb 1, 2024 on Mushroom Risotto with Peas at Delaware Girl Eats
It was wonderful, very different from Rome. More like Switzerland than Italy
Toggle Commented Jan 31, 2024 on Mushroom Risotto with Peas at Delaware Girl Eats
Risotto makes for a wonderful, warming and easy to make winter dinner This month’s selection for the Cook the Books reading/cooking club is Undercooked: How I Let Food Become My Life Navigator and How Maybe That's a Dumb Way to Live by Dan Ahdoot, inspired by his obsession with food. In a chapter devoted to his travels in Italy he writes about a car expedition through northern Italy “where prosciutto and parmesan cheese were invented. Man were we stoked. We replayed the episode of Chef’s Table where Massimo Bottura, a charismatic chef, tells the story of how he single-handedly helped... Continue reading
Posted Jan 29, 2024 at Delaware Girl Eats
I'm such a sucker for apple desserts. They never fail to please
Having grown up in Northeast Ohio where apples rule, I really enjoy making desserts like this
That's what I like about this recipe -- just right for taking to someone's home for a gathering
I bet it is indeed disorienting to move from one climate to another, but hope your Italy trip was great. I hadn't thought to combine the apples and cranberries prior to reading someone else's post, but it turns out to be a great match!
Apples and cranberries are such a good match that they make this bundt cake a baking success I confess to getting a late start to Fall this year. I’ve refused to accept the change of seasons and it’s been so warm that it’s felt like a continuation of summer till just now as the leaves have started to turn and the night-time temperatures have dropped. With Halloween Trick or Treat’ers coming our way this weekend, it’s time though. And the garden cleanout got done while it’s still been warm and sunny. So I guess I’m ready to face the November... Continue reading
Posted Oct 26, 2023 at Delaware Girl Eats
Not sure if you actually saw my reply b/c it's not positioned as such -- Reply: Glad you like it -- I think such a dessert would be perfect for a party. can't wait to see what dish you are making
Julia was my inspiration but the recipe I came up with probably wouldn't have passed her standards. (it's too simple.....)
Yes Claudia - I used 2 muffin pans, filling them only party to the top. There was a little left to make a tart too. It was a fun dish to experiment with as I'm not usually a baker so I took liberties
I loved this because it was something that could be made easily and was quick to make. Just do have your ingredients all ready before starting as it goes so fast you don't really have time during prep
Glad you like it -- I think such a dessert would be perfect for a party. can't wait to see what dish you are making
Usually I think Summer ends at the strike of September 1st but this year, September on the East Coast has featured record-breaking high temperatures into the 90’s paired with suffocating humidity. In any case, it sure has felt like the continuation of high Summer rather than a transition into Fall. So when I was asked to bring a dish to a recent potluck, I was thinking about what would be refreshing rather than what would be hearty or filling. A friend posted a recipe recently for mini cheesecakes which would be the size of cupcakes and I thought, wouldn’t that... Continue reading
Posted Sep 18, 2023 at Delaware Girl Eats
Hope you get a chance to make these -- they're yummy!
I wish I could try all the places/dishes he mentions. Not enough time in the world for that but I guess one can try...
aren't they a great snack?
I was really surprised when I read the chapter on the Mexican food and saw this place I actually knew being featured -- cool!
I just love trying local favorites when I'm in another part of the country, not the ones written up in magazines etc but ones recommended by friends or family. Never fails to either be great or an adventure. Either way -- cool!
What better munchie than a few Mexican Taquitos? For an East Coast girl of Italian heritage I’m awfully fond of Mexican cuisine and seek out the real deal when I’m in a part of the country where it’s truly authentic, in other words not along the East Coast. This is how I ended up at the El Indio Restaurant in San Diego which has been in business for over 80 years. I was visiting family there and heard they offered the real deal. That scuttlebutt was totally accurate – they do indeed offer masterful Mexican food. So when I read... Continue reading
Posted Jul 13, 2023 at Delaware Girl Eats
I thought you'd like this... and you can play around with the additions to customize it. I've tried savory dessert one other time and folks are surprised when I serve something like that. It was a fun experiment