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Shelley D
Midway City, CA
Christian, wife, mother, grandmother, life-long animal lover.
Interests: Spending time with family, reading, dog training, attending dog training workshops & seminars, gardening, cooking.
Recent Activity
Laurie, the dog responsible for All of the above is now a 12 year old black lab. We raised him for a guide dog organization & two weeks prior to recall he swallowed the stick.(Don't judge me for giving him a lick!) We took him to the vet. It took three attempts to make him vomit before he finally gave it up. He worked for 8 years as a guide in Toronto & came back to us after retirement. Still a chow hound!
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-bag of cough drops, wrappers included -broke into a Costco size container of bread crumbs; ate until his mouth was pretty much glued shut. It's funny now, could have been serious. Dog not happy when I scooped his mouth clean. -Apricots, pits & all. There's as much pit as poop during the season. -cat poo; hardly worth mentioning! -dental floss -wooden ice cream stick; I was just giving him a lick & when the doorbell rang I loosened my grip & well, the rest is history
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Shelley D is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 14, 2012