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Ruth Miles Biller
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Pat, the first of this article reminded me of when I asked for a friend and God gave me YOU. I did not know what CHANGES he had in store for my life as well as your life! The CHANGE was good, but at times I am sure we both questioned it. Relationships cause us to grow. Who would have known that our friendship would be as strong as it is today...over all the distance and across the ocean into another country. Thank the good Lord for Skype! Yes, change causes us to grow closer to God, but we must trust HIM and depend on HIM to allow us to know when we need change in our life. Excellent post as usual!
I think that most of us would laugh if we found ourself pregnant at the age of 90! What a blessing of God! With God all things are possible! What a blessing your articles are also! Your are a blessing of God in your writing. Keep up the good articles. They give me peace and joy when I read them.
Yes, and children are our future! I do not know how people can not see that. Christmas should be a time for people to stop and read the Christmas story in the Bible. It is Christmas....and all these things are still happening in the World today. It is so sad. We need to pray for our world today. May God continue to Bless Pat and her wonderful messages into 2013.
Ruth Miles Biller is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 26, 2012