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Cristy Rawks
Recent Activity
I agree, this is a great idea. Most of my decor is in my inventory cuz I don't have room for everything, with all the animals.
Another thing, why can't we sell all that additional inventory that we accumulate with all the quests? I have tons of items, as I am sure most everyone, and it just sits in inventory when I could use the Coins by selling all that stuff.
Suggestion Sunday!
Hey Farmers, We know many of you have some amazing ideas for FarmVille 2, so we've introduced Suggestion Sundays for you to share them with our team! This is a great opportunity for you to let us know how you think we can improve the game to better suit your farming needs. How to Shar...
I live on disability, so buying those enormous Farm Bucks is out of the question. So I agree, whatever you can do in that area would be great. I mean $4 million, really? lol Or paying even $20 for bucks is just not in my budget. ha
I would love to see my avatar be able to have an actual relationship with the animals though. I could have sworn my little Camillo horse nuzzled me twice. I loved it. just sayin....
Suggestion Sunday!
Hey Farmers, We know many of you have some amazing ideas for FarmVille 2, so we've introduced Suggestion Sundays for you to share them with our team! This is a great opportunity for you to let us know how you think we can improve the game to better suit your farming needs. How to Shar...
And how come there are some farms that have multiple Bonus cows when I can't even get ONE cuz I can't seem to get the Ulra Rare yogurt due to not being able to get the "fancy" cows (with coins) that put out more product than the ones that I can ONLY get with Farm Bucks?
Your Voice Counts!
We know our farmers are gettin' down on the farm and we'd love to know what y'all think of the game. Participate in healthy discussions by sharing your feedback, comments and opinions on the Blog, and be automatically entered to win 100 Farm Bucks! We're particularly interested in comment...
Oh boy am I ever on your side!! Thanks for pointing out the errors and such that are an issue for so many of us!! Rawk on!
Your Voice Counts!
We know our farmers are gettin' down on the farm and we'd love to know what y'all think of the game. Participate in healthy discussions by sharing your feedback, comments and opinions on the Blog, and be automatically entered to win 100 Farm Bucks! We're particularly interested in comment...
OMG!! I know what you mean!!! I mean the next property for me is 700,000 farm bucks, but everytime I get close to just $400,000, we have to buy sthg else with our bucks that takes me right back to less than 300,000 all the time. I can't get more land due to the high "cost" if you will AND unlike so many of my friends who can afford to BUY there way thru the game without really playing it, I cannot afford to get more property. I am too busy spending it on plants, trees, animals, etc etc.
With that said, customer svc reps are awesome and so very helpful when I have had a problem or issue.
Your Voice Counts!
We know our farmers are gettin' down on the farm and we'd love to know what y'all think of the game. Participate in healthy discussions by sharing your feedback, comments and opinions on the Blog, and be automatically entered to win 100 Farm Bucks! We're particularly interested in comment...
I love this game but some of us can't afford to buy land or buy the many new wonderful items you come up with. Therefore I can't play the game to the best due to not being able to get more animals cuz of not getting the land or not getting the animal offered for Cash or being able to bake many items that would make me Farm Bucks cuz of not being able to buy the plants/trees.
I live on disability and just wish there was another way. Other than that, thanks for the snow, celebrating the diff holidays, esp Cmas, the grocer, etc.
Your Voice Counts!
We know our farmers are gettin' down on the farm and we'd love to know what y'all think of the game. Participate in healthy discussions by sharing your feedback, comments and opinions on the Blog, and be automatically entered to win 100 Farm Bucks! We're particularly interested in comment...
Cristy Rawks is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 16, 2013
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