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Sylvie Huard
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I have a few suggestions.
It would be great to be able to make our water through bigger. With the amount of animals needed for the different items (pig, chicken, cow, goat, rabbits, sheep) it's hard to keep all the item at the maximum chances at the moment, even with the maximum of water through it's hard to keep them all and if you do, you can't have any extra animals.
If that can't be done, it'd be great to have a house for the horses, rabbits, cows, pigs and one for the random animals like turkey, reindeer.
On level up, it'd be great if the well and power would fill up.
It's be great if we could use the farmhands to water our trees. They each do 4 actions, why can't they be dropped on a grove? I know it's difficult for lone trees, but for grove it'd be perfect
Suggestion Sunday!
Hey Farmers, We know many of you have some amazing ideas for FarmVille 2, so we've introduced Suggestion Sundays for you to share them with our team! This is a great opportunity for you to let us know how you think we can improve the game to better suit your farming needs. How to Share ...
This is the cutest pig I've seen, forget about getting this in farmville 2, I want him in real life LOL
Sneak Peek: Pigs
Hey Farmers, Pigs have been spotted in FarmVille 2! They seem to be awfully friendly…maybe one will make its way to your Farm in the near future? Let us know what you think of the adorable Baby Pig by leaving us a comment below and be automatically entered to win 50 Farm Bucks!
Sylvie Huard is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 21, 2013
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