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Diane T. Winter
Recent Activity
I left a comment, and it said it was awaiting moderation.
Ok, now I'm worried. I was all set to apologize to all of you folks who read this blog for not choosing a winner yesterday evening (started sneezing explosively in the afternoon, by this morning - my day off, thank God! - I had a temp. and was all stuffed up with a fairly nasty cold). Not that I...
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We got a number of different goodies in this week's deliveries. First, though, I have a question for you - and this will probably require you to actually post a comment below. Hmm, since I am soliciting a response, how about if I do a little give-away as a reward? :) Hmm, how about one hour of...
Diane T. Winter is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 22, 2013
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