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I'm hiding from the children... I shall not divulge!
One quirky lady striving towards publication
Interests: Staying sane -If possible??
Recent Activity
A feverish, little cheek, On a pink and suffering face. A worried eye is searching, For a soft, familiar grace. Two timid hands ~Out reaching. Two pouting lips ~Beseeching. "Mummy?" Please wipe away my fear, Without a trace. Continue reading
Posted Mar 4, 2014 at The Mom Locker
I'll wear the hat, And you take the spoon, To play upon your knee. We'll enjoy a nice chat -Not a dual at High Noon! (Such a strain when taking tea!) We've only one cup between us. But it's easy to please us. The tasting's in the pouring. Sport your... Continue reading
Posted Feb 18, 2014 at The Mom Locker
Toilet training is laborious! We strive and try for glorious, Progress. You think they're catching on SO quickly! Then they eject something sickly! *ugh!* Bum-mess! It's up their back; It's through the floor! You wonder how, You could adore, Such a grotesque, "Mini-taur"! Chalk up another memory to repress! Then... Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2014 at The Mom Locker
She'll be sweet, soft, and caring, Prone to patiently sharing, She'll be READING -Not tearing! But not with us! No. Never with us! She'll count up to ten, Use the potty? Again!?! She'll help out -Just say when! But not with us. No. NEVER with us! From her teacher, Ms.... Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2014 at The Mom Locker
My daughter is quite curious. She has a temperament, That is nigh on impossible, To correctly circumvent! It's not separation. It is not frustration. Expressing herself's NOT a problem! We've tried to deflect -Tried to gently correct... But the bloom has left the blossom! You will not see it coming.... Continue reading
Posted Jan 31, 2014 at The Mom Locker
I'm poised to sprint back home, While I sit behind my desk. The weather calls for snow. So where is my house arrest? It's hard to watch without a window. So I've just had to make do. I've got the notifications set. And my lookouts, I've got two! I'm waiting... Continue reading
Posted Jan 28, 2014 at The Mom Locker
Come. Let us sit, And play pretend. Our eyes will perk, As our minds wend, Over each rainbow, Around each bend. Each firefly, or new found friend, Will find a magic to attend, That culminates the perfect blend, Of soulful spark and happy end. Continue reading
Posted Jan 25, 2014 at The Mom Locker
I have a little girl, Who has a little curl, Perched ever so slightly on her lips! And when she is good, She behaves just like she should! But she'd rather be bad, 'Cause she's the tits! Continue reading
Posted Jan 14, 2014 at The Mom Locker
They'll sleep well together. They used to share a room. They'll sleep well together. It will be their kiddie cata-"coomb". They will not fight, Or stay up late. You'll see I'm right; They're quite first-rate! You'll never hear them -Just you wait! They'll sleep well together. *the next morning* They'll... Continue reading
Posted Jan 13, 2014 at The Mom Locker
Those ultra-sonic squeaks and squeals, That are burning rubber off your heels, Do not come from bats or seals -It's my children! If your head is neigh imploding, From your circuits overloading, And your tooth enamel is eroding -It's my children! So please, I must apologize, If you ever DO... Continue reading
Posted Jan 12, 2014 at The Mom Locker
He has a head cold -That is plain! His body aches In every vein. His nose will dispense Dense chow mein. BUT HE WILL NOT BLOW HIS NOSE! The mucus may plug Every hole. He might sound like A grumpy troll. His bogies might be Hard as coal. BUT HE... Continue reading
Posted Dec 19, 2013 at The Mom Locker
That wiggle-waggle tongue of hers -It always has an answer! The moon has set; it's not "asleep"! The clouds give rain; they do not "weep"! Such a born logic-romancer. Her mind is sharp as tacks -She never has to take a breath! "But how do you lose a dinosaur?" She'll... Continue reading
Posted Dec 18, 2013 at The Mom Locker
The lights are not working and the ornaments shattered! Your "smart" Christmas cookies look horribly splattered! Counterfeit charities posing as devout! This is why Christmas time stresses me out! Holiday movies that went straight to rented. All of your packages got lost, or worse, dented! Half-cocked consumers lolly-gagging about! This... Continue reading
Posted Dec 17, 2013 at The Mom Locker
No hose, Or slacks! No tight, Sling-backs! Today is the best day for "weekers"! I don't have to freeze! I won't shave my knees! I might even dare to wear sneakers! Once a week we can relish In comfort -Forgetting our hellish Existence as sausages bursting at seams! Today IS... Continue reading
Posted Nov 22, 2013 at The Mom Locker
He battles flu upon the sofa -Wrapped up in a man-burrito. His back it pangs, His head it wangs, His joints crunch like old Doritos. Then sweet and caring -Thoughtful! Like a steadfast constable, (enter the child) "Are you feeling poorly? "Why not lie there surely? "You'd definitely be more... Continue reading
Posted Nov 12, 2013 at The Mom Locker
There was the one, Who thought my daughter, Could swallow and change a dime. "But I saw her put it in. "I know first aid! "I insist! She would be fine!" Then we got, Upgraded to the one, Who left dirty diapers on the floor. Who wants to leave, And... Continue reading
Posted Nov 6, 2013 at The Mom Locker
I'm know I'm being silly -Putting things in a bad light. I toss and turn and huff and heave -I never sleep at night. I worry till I my nails are gone. I worry my hair to tufts. I dwell on things I cannot fix. I'm just assorted nuts! Continue reading
Posted Nov 4, 2013 at The Mom Locker
If you're traveling abroad, And it's the first time you've trod, Overseas or even afield... I must warn you right now, You'll offend them somehow, Unless you're hiding inside a force field. Whether it's your manner or attire, That will cease to inspire, They'll know you're foreign right off the... Continue reading
Posted Nov 1, 2013 at The Mom Locker
I don't care how old. I don't care how young, If you wear a costume -I'll sugar your tongue! I don't care if you're skanked out -If you're bloody and gory. You can bring emotional baggage, For a ripping back story! You want candy? It's handy To put in some... Continue reading
Posted Oct 31, 2013 at The Mom Locker
The sky is orange. The grass is red. The Autumn leaves are blue! Dare to ask: "What color?" You'll get a glare, Coupled with the opposing hue. Hot is cold. Meek is bold. And tickles really hurt! Bricks are soft, As they float aloft! And the vacuum, you'll find, squirts!... Continue reading
Posted Oct 29, 2013 at The Mom Locker
My son, he goes to school, And he has a little friend. And they play their little games, And laugh from the start until the end. He loves his little friend, But I have yet to see them mingle. I have my doubts as to his whereabouts, 'Cause he claims... Continue reading
Posted Oct 27, 2013 at The Mom Locker
We are teething. The bed's a scratching post. We are teething. Our bread is buttered till it's toast! Irritable just ain't the word! She's gone more cuckoo than a bird! The more blood she drew? The more she purred! We are teething! We are teething. What an odd thing to... Continue reading
Posted Oct 26, 2013 at The Mom Locker
I really love my Godson. He's sweet! Sassy! Unique! We got a card to say, "Well done! You're now 18! Ain't that a lovely streak?" I wrote all kinds of sweet, nice things -The things you're supposed to write. So what if it was dim, And I was beat -'Cause... Continue reading
Posted Oct 18, 2013 at The Mom Locker
So you don't have to pay your bills, But I do. I do! And you don't have to give up frills, But I do, Oh I do! And you don't have to make ends meet, To set the standard -Because you can cheat! I think your time is quite complete!... Continue reading
Posted Oct 17, 2013 at The Mom Locker