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Phantom Limb
Recent Activity
Since we moved in this house last September, we have barely been able to unpack. Something about running a business from home with a one-year-old doesn't leave a ton of time for luxuries like decorating. Moving in right at the busiest part of my year (the holiday crush as I... Continue reading
Posted Jun 10, 2013 at Phantom Limb
The Craftsman Hand Printer dates from the 1930s, but according to the dates stamped inside my box, this saw action in 1954. Inside is a set of letter and character stamps, printing block and an unrelated, but super cool vintage ruler. Continue reading
Posted Jun 5, 2013 at Phantom Limb
One of the best parts of gift giving is crafting the packaging. I love using vintage supplies to create a one-of-a-kind package. Here's a few quick ideas. Materials: Vintage postcard of Como Park in St. Paul; neon green game piece letters; kraft paper box Materials used: Vintage children's graph paper;... Continue reading
Posted Jun 3, 2013 at Phantom Limb
It's so true, Vanessa, it is part of growth! It's a creative challenge to work with an ever-changing material supply and continue to develop new uses and work.
Toggle Commented May 31, 2013 on XYZ Mini Album: The Ebb and Flow at Phantom Limb
I've been working to organize my paper stash -- no small feat -- and the task has uncovered some old work. One of my recent finds was this mini album. Inside are some of my very favorite scraps from that time. Looking back through older journals, you can see how... Continue reading
Posted May 30, 2013 at Phantom Limb
The 2013 St. Paul Craftstravaganza is this Saturday, May 11, at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds. Phantom Limb will be selling handmade books and paper cut cards and art in booth #6, directly in front of the west entrance of the Progress Center. Here's a sneak peek at some of the... Continue reading
Posted May 8, 2013 at Phantom Limb
I'm super excited to announce the Grand Opening of Phantom Limb's new shop! When I started selling online in 2005, I couldn't imagine the growth my little biz would see. Over the past few years, it's become very apparent that my own shop was badly needed to handle the many... Continue reading
Posted May 1, 2013 at Phantom Limb
I'm thrilled to have my Hello Envelope and Card Set in the latest issue of Uppercase Magazine. The issue is dedicated to stationery and is packed full of inspiration and business advice. Uppercase is one of the best design magazines out right now and having my work inside was on... Continue reading
Posted Apr 24, 2013 at Phantom Limb
This vintage workbook was a recent thrift shop find. The font and colors inside are just perfect. Of course, it was just begging to be turned into books. Continue reading
Posted Apr 24, 2013 at Phantom Limb
My artist journals are made from a variety of new and vintage dead stock paper. Inside each book, you'll find pages from vintage books, ledgers, graph notebooks, school dittos, stationery, office supplies, coloring books -- and tons of other pretty paper. Every page is a different pattern, and they all... Continue reading
Posted Apr 14, 2013 at Phantom Limb
After many years on Etsy, I'm finally making the jump to a site of my own. My Etsy shop will remain open, but this new site will hopefully be the forever home of Phantom Limb. On this blog, I'll be posting the stuff that inspires me and tons of paper... Continue reading
Posted Apr 13, 2013 at Phantom Limb
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Apr 11, 2013