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Luc Adriaenssen
director marketing at HyEngine Solutions nv/sa
Interests: green, renewable energies and technologies
Recent Activity
As long as you're working with subsidies you do NOT have an industrial product nor market.
Why always forget the HICE?
It's available, cost-effective, well-know technique.
Study finds government and vehicle manufacturers need to introduce long-term incentives and prices cuts to create sustainable market for ultra-low emission vans
Summary of battery pack cost projections, 2010-2030. Source: Element Energy. Click to enlarge. Governments and vehicle manufacturers will need to introduce long-term incentives and price cuts to create a sustainable European market for ultra-low emission vans (ULEV), according to a newly pu...
Luc Adriaenssen is now following TypePad France
Sep 22, 2012
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