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Sarah Keerie
Norfolk, UK, England
UK Stampin' Up! Demonstrator ~ Creating Art with He{Art}
Interests: Stampin' Up! demonstrator, Guide Guider, nearly at the end of an Open University degree going my how many modules left to do, crafting, reading (which I am doing a lot of for the degree!), Creating Art with He{Art}
Recent Activity
Sarah Keerie is now following Karen Burniston
Feb 3, 2013
Sarah Keerie is now following Lucy @ Attic24
Jan 6, 2013
Sarah Keerie is now following Graphic45

Jan 6, 2013
:) have a great adventure, your post makes me smile :)
hello everyone
sorry it has been so long! The last four months have been an insane journey - I have so much to share but I haven't have much energy to deal with the world ... I did update on Facebook as that doesn't even need a full sentence for an status update where Typepad needs thinking and grammar and pla...
Sarah Keerie is now following Caroline
Jan 2, 2013
Sarah Keerie is now following The Tatty Trailer
Dec 27, 2012
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