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Heather E. Johnson
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I love that I can get my fix on having animals in the virtual world so I don't hoard them in the real world. It was a problem with stray animals where I used to live and they took over our house! They even ate a hole from the underside up through the kitchen to get in where they smelled our food! Clever doggies. But I have the max amount of animals for my level and troughs, and they have plenty of room on my farm to roam. They are my favorite thing because I can do something in the virtual world that I can't in real life because I am in a wheelchair. It limits me in that way. I have a cat--they're easy to care for! But Farmville means I can have so many lovely creatures I wouldn't otherwise!
Toggle Commented Feb 17, 2013 on FarmVille Valentine's Day Contest! at FarmVille
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Feb 16, 2013